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Everything posted by Ricx

  1. Hi, advanced windows automation, $Windows Automation Check Returns: True if exists, but if not exists it returns the error: http://prntscr.com/dj168h
  2. Hey just a suggestion(Not sure if it's already in place) could you move that manual to the front page of the website or put a link there somewhere? The other day I was searching high and low, but could only find the helpdocs page which doesn't work anymore.
  3. Seems I have a problem, whenever i sort the datagrid, it messes up the datagridUI get value, it only displays the value from the original datagrid.
  4. Tried both, it didn't work. It seems that my audio files aren't working I tried to create the video with another audio file and it worked perfectly. So I guess I'll go inspect those files. Thank you for the help! Edit: Is there a minimum audio file size?
  5. Hmm I changed the path but still getting the same zero-byte result http://prntscr.com/au6cka
  6. Having an issue, getting 0-byte files from the 1 image + audio to video Using advanced image to make the image and advanced video(3.0.4) plugin command("Advanced Video.dll", "video from 1 image + audio", "{#fldrPath}\\body.mp3", "{#fldrPath}\\body.jpg", "640x480", "{#fldrPath}\\body.mp4") plugin command("Advanced Image.dll", "image caption", "{#fldrPath}\\videobg.jpg", "{#fldrPath}\\extra.jpg", "SUBSCRIBE NOW!!{$new line}To get the full article please visit the link in the description. You can close this video now! Relevant terms to this video: {$new line}{%UsedTags}", "Arial Black", 2
  7. Have you tried this using private proxies rather than VPN/public proxies?
  8. Not sure if I missed something, this was working perfectly fine for me a few days ago. Today I open ubot get back on a project, and it's just crash after crash. All I'm trying to do is get by captcha. I've tried almost everything. Not sure what I've done wrong. The issue is I cannot "save element image", whenever I use the element selector after I've selected an element If I click the advanced editor it says "No element/element not found. Double check that browser URL is correct." Currently using: Chrome 39 Windows 10 Professional Edition I've attached a video below to show what's h
  9. For me, I haven't sold any bots; It's not in my intention. However, if I am selling exclusive rights to a program, it suggests that user can become the sole distributor of it. For me, a few factors would have to be considered. 1) You may own exclusive rights, but that doesn't mean I give you my source code. 2) Will you need future updates? What if something were to change, if it's interacting with elements beyond your/his control it WILL eventually probably require updates. 3) Will my bot be commercialized? Or is it for you and your agency. Based on those questions and depending on the ty
  10. I think what you are asking is how to restart your entire program, you can probably put the main part of your code within a DEFINE and then call that define wherever you need to. http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Define
  11. Ohh, I'm sorry! I didn't notice there was a change. Seems I was using the wrong element! <class="rc-imageselect-checkbox">That fixed it! Thank you, pash!
  12. Sorry, went to bed last night. Here's an updated video with what happened when I set the click location to "No" http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDeb2k1rm4
  13. It gave me a similar result to the above video but I still got another and did 9 repetitions instead of 3 so more of the pattern could be shown. http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDeb1H1raW Using: Chrome 39 set(#Number,0,"Global") loop(9) { click($element offset(<tagname="td">,#Number),"Left Click","Yes") wait(1) increment(#Number) }
  14. In the video I was using test code, the code is posted below set(#count,0,"Global") loop(3) { click($element offset(<tagname="td">,#count),"Left Click","Yes") wait(1) increment(#count) }
  15. So, I spent some time on another site working with nocaptcha/recaptcha and was able to craft decent enough code to sole the captcha and all that however when visiting tumblr.com I'm experiencing problems. If I use chrome 39: I can visit tumblr.com >> I can click get started >> I can sign up and enter details & age. However chrome 39, not sure if just for me seems to have a limitation, when I try to click element offset in the 9/16 box using click location, ubot only clicks 1 element for the entire loop and the others aren't clicked. If I turn click location off then nothing h
  16. In addition to the above, remember your bots are exactly that. Bots. There's no need to rush, they don't need energy/food/fuel/pay and they work right around the clock. So take it easy and make a naturally flowing bot that would operate as you do, with nice waits and pauses. Rushing makes a mess. And if you really want to help while keeping your bots fast, you could probably look up tons of different apis to work with here: http://www.programmableweb.com/category/all/apis
  17. Hmm is there anyway to add an image to the front of a video? Found a fix, Image+audio to video then video join. Never mind !
  18. I use 5 and chrome 21 so far it's been the most stable configuration for me.
  19. "Change my Ip with hma Vpn" hma is abused, it depends on the website you're using but that could be a reason why it's failing
  20. You could probably get it done via shell commands and autoIT or some other macro program
  21. Ohh haven't seen you guys were here speaking of the 16 box, a useful trick I learned from using another software, you'll probably need advanced image(You can probably insert some innertext on the captcha window before you take a screenshot of it) or someway to notify to the captcha breaker that any number pass 9 should be converted to a letter, interpret the letter and convert it back to a number. Works like a charm.
  22. Hey pash this plugin would be complete if you could add "Text to speech". If possible please add it! Thank you
  23. Sounds great, I was actually thinking of something like this but on a much wider scale where it's like a teamwork kinda thing. It would be something to the tone of: Private AI bots. We'd create a big plan for say a website like facebook. Then assign persons to work on sections in groups of 2s, 1 mentor and 1 noobie. AI bot would essentially act and complete run a facebook account as if it were a real person. -Scraping common comments -Placing them on appropriate posts based on relevance -Add other bots from here(If we all run 10 threads we'd have a super network in no time) -Share ran
  24. Website: Tumblr, registration. UA: Chrome IP: I live in Jamaica, i've seen it on my jamaican IP as well as a US proxy Only seen it a few times, mostly after letting the captcha time out a bit. For now I usually can just hit the refresh button and chances are it will go to the 9/16 box captcha. Edit: Got a quick screen cast with it: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDef1B1l9H
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