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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by sardwyn

  1. I'm pretty sure the bots are not multithreaded though I think this is something that may be in the pipeline? I'm sure someone will comment there You can administrate MySQL through a the web interface so yes, MySQL functions can be manipulated by Ubot
  2. I've come across this on a few social networking/blogging sites and email providers. Def a bot defence of some sort though adding in random delays/proxies has helped everytime. I clear the cookies in all my scripts too just to make sure
  3. save to file ---> clear list? ---> load as necessary?
  4. Ah sorted it Selected by position, then scraped chosen attribute 'innertext'. Seems to work well.
  5. Am trying to scrape the keyword data from Alexa but am failing! Am definitely getting alot better with Bot creation now but this has me stumped. Once at Alexa, you input your site name and navigate to 'Keywords' which returns a list of 10 links. Alexa seems to randomise the links under 'Search Terms Driving Traffic' with a jQuery thingy immediately before each link giving me nothing constant to grab hold of and scrape. Any ideas how to get around this?
  6. I noticed some ppl belong to a Ubot customers group and others to members. I own a copy so how do I get my groups changed?
  7. sardwyn

    User inputs

    cheers I'll give it a look. Thanks for the help.
  8. sardwyn

    User inputs

    I've spent two days watching tutorials and reading the wiki/commando resource. Maybe that the prob. Thanks for clearing it up for me though. Cheers
  9. sardwyn

    User inputs

    In a nutshell I want a user to fill in their username in the UI username field, 'random example'. I would then like to pass that input 'random example' to Ubot somehow and have it fill out a field in the webpage with the user input. Somewhere between the UI and Ubots logic I am missing a step and things are not working. At the moment I am trying to create a variable out of the user input and attaching that to a list then calling it back into the script to fill out the field but that doesn't seem to work regardless of whether I call in the variable or the list. Hope thats clear? It isn't t
  10. Many thanks Works well for my purposes!
  11. Hi all. I only bought this software yesterday and am a complete non-programmer. I mean I can hack away at html and php/cut and paste etc but I couldn't code anything from the ground up. I have attached my tutorial bot. Nothing exciting. Just trying to build a facebook account creator to teach myself this impressive software Please take a look at the bot as I am having issues getting it to click a link once the account is created. Basically once the account is created, facebook asks you to start fleshing out your profile or you can simply 'skip' the nag screens to move onto the next. The
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