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Everything posted by earthlingj

  1. I have a multi threaded bot i just made that is pretty straight forward... problem is... its crashing... as in... the bot will run... for a bit and then simply close itself? does the same in ubotstudio.. ill leave it running and i come back to it not even being open anymore. previously i solved this by not using load html. my bots all use http post plugin. Well this bot.... im not using load html or anything at all... why is it crashing like that? ubot sucks. sucks sucks sucks. doesnt matter if i use 3 threads or 20 threads. it just closes itself. at least give us a damn error log or
  2. I keep getting this alert when usin the auto free memory command: http://prntscr.com/6bvqce
  3. does local dictionary work with this? does the thread counting work perfectly? even when using 20+ threads?
  4. i wish you'd fix the access token this is driving me crazy doing it manually for each account. facebook doesnt change the code that often. also i was wondering if anyone knows how to tag someone in a post/comment? i tried doing what the api doc says but its not working and idk if its the plugin or if its me.
  5. I am trying to do an expression like the above examples of dan's "$..book[?(@.isbn)]" and getting nothing. that expression is extremely useful and would be great if this could be fixed/added ASAP! Thanks
  6. I bought this and it is great for people who want to automate any mobile app. Mobile app 'botting' can be very profitable and with patrick's guide you can be on your way to GLORY!~
  7. im using the exact same code in the demo here. the problem is the DECREMENTING thread count. it really doesnt seem to be thread safe. I dont want to share my full source for obvious reasons, but what i can say is.. im 100% using the exact demo in this thread and im not new to ubot ive been doing this a long time. unless defines sometimes randomly get skipped, there is no reason for the thread count to be off other than it not being thread safe and decrementing ' at the same time' which is throwing off the count.
  8. http://i.imgur.com/yZJckir.png its not thread safe.
  9. i removed threadcounter reset in the beginning of my loop and now it works much better, but still goes off sometimes. i have another bot i run 50 threads on and that one is always off.
  10. Okay i changed it to use the thread counter read instead of by variable and its still miscounting. I changed my thread code to be exactly like your example as well with the only difference being my define command. the thread counts are all outside of my define so nothing within the define code should be messing up the thread counter....
  11. Its strange because i changed it to use defines and now after just 100 posts im at -2 threads and it stopped instead of continuing 1000s
  12. I changed it to use define like you said and it makes no difference. After hours of running, the thread counter ends up being off still. and the reason i said local dictionary is because you are sayuing define so that the value passed doesnt change, but local dictionary value shouldnt change either within the thread.
  13. it works fine at the beginning but if you leave it running for a while ( after a few hours ) thats when the thread counter goes off in one of my other bots, the thread counter sometimes even goes in the negative after a while. also, as for passing the list item in a define? why that instead of local dictionary? I thought local dictionary is thread safe?
  14. Loops is the number of scraped posts ( usually between 20-30 )
  15. adding a stop wont work for me, because what i am doing is scraping 25 pages. then threading the process of posting on them. then when thread is back to 0. scrape next 25 pages. then thread to post on them. etc etc. plus, shouldnt thread count still be correct regardless?
  16. plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "http clear objects") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear global dictionary") loop(99999999) { Scrape Process() set(#ThreadCount, $plugin function("Threads Counter.dll", "threads counter", "reset"), "Global") set(#Loops, $list total(%UniqueUsers), "Global") set(#ListItem, 0, "Global") loop(#Loops) { loop while($comparison(#ThreadCount, ">=", 10)) { wait(1) } set(#ThreadCount, $plugin function("Threads Counter.dll", "threads counter", "increment"), "Global") thread {
  17. This doesn't seem to be working perfectly for me. Over time, the thread count goes off. for example i have 0 threads open now in which my bot should restart its function, but thread counter is on 1 so its stuck doing nothing.
  18. How can i do similar searches to graph search? like in browser graph search i can do " men who like mcdonalds who live in texas "
  19. I tried threading my browser based bots and http bots but it just didnt seem to be working properly with values and such. so im wondering if there are any basic examples because the 2 videos on the sales page dont show anything about threading with browser or http bots. and why the proxy control if we can just set it directly within each thread? do we have to use the 'thread' function? etc. just a basic browser sample and http sample would be nice to see ** i haven't downloaded the update yet but still, samples of browser and http bots would be great. even simple navigate or http get reque
  20. Do you have example codes/videos on how to get this to work with browser based bots as well as http post bots? The 2 videos in the sales dont really show any of that, just basic alerts and such.
  21. well if its too complex to fix or update $fb api graph token authentication can you at least make it so that we can accept fb api login without having the login prompt? aka directly set email and password?
  22. $fb api graph token authentication that is used to try and authorize graph explorer usage for first timers $fb api http graph token that is used to go to graph explorer page and extract the current token from the page we're specifically talking about: $fb api graph token authentication I've talked to a few others and they are saying that specific command is not working for them and that they have to use the 'workaround' I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the api login or even http graph token. i'm talking about graph token authentication on first time user. its pretty clear it
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