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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Vernon

  1. That's true. But why should you spend all your time with updates for free, without asking money for it. That is what HelloInsomnia is talking about. People spend all the time with updates without asking even a small fee. In my opinion I personally think this lifetime updates is just a scam. Monthly or yearly fee is better. Let your members pay you a fee to use your software even if it is small one.
  2. I agree. This lifetime updates is really useless for a one time fee. All my bots are monthly fees. Its way better that way. You give updates free for a lifetime. How in heavens name is that possible. 1 year license can do with me.
  3. Hi Edward thanx for the video. Will give you feedback if it works. Dan my friend, the place here in my town that are the professionals is our forensic department, which will cost me a price of a new car. IT companies here is useless. You can't say these guys are professionals. If I really had the money I would've pay our forensic department for my data. But I really appreciate the feedback and strategy tip. I will make use of that. Docta thanx brother. Appreciate the feedback. You know that HD is only 6 months old. Thanx again guys.
  4. Hi Fellow Ubotter Guys I am in trouble really... I need help please. Earlier today my freaking hard drive start beeping and now my PC can't pick it up anymore.. That HDD is my whole life guys. I have run every data recovery software on the internet. I have use crack versions and free versions. I just can't get my data back. These software can't even pick up the HDD. I have format a 80GB HDD and install Win XP on it to check if it works, but still nothing. Not even BIOS pick it up. It switch on and is still beeping. I have even use Hiren's, man everything so far. I have download 20GB of Da
  5. Hey BigWeb That's true man. Ubot have help me tremendously. My first 3 months I was totally frustrated with UB. But after my first bot and I see the money at PayPal, man I felt like a superstar lol... The best part of UB, it make my Internet Business much more easier for me. Because of Ubot, I am earning more from Google Adsense. UB the secret tool to money... I have even started a small "not big" still growing" Web Marketing Company. Thanks to Seth and the team. I just can't wait for stealth. Wonder when will it be out. My ass is itching for it... The team should really work a bit
  6. Hi Dan Brother thank you. This is just want I needed. You saved me 1 hour of email work. The project which I am busy with require the updates. Because on this specific project I don't use Meter's License System. The emails that I use to send out was about an hours work. Keep up the good work and thank you again Dan. Regards Vernon
  7. Nice commands. Will check regularly for the link. Thanx for the share,
  8. Hey Darryl. Thank you for the freebie man. Well appreciated. This is what I needed.
  9. A lot of us is unhappy with the bugs in Ubot. I mean look at me, so far using Ubot have change my life. For the time that I have use Ubot I have made more than 20K USD and I am from South Africa, so convert 20K USD to ZAR which is 12 times more in SA. And for this reason I am looking forward to Ubot Stealth. I personally think it would be great for all of us. If some of you guys think that Stealth is just another advertising email, well I don't think so. If in means making Ubot much better, it would be awesome for me. And I truly hope it would be for you guys as well. We all are using Ubot to
  10. Can someone please tell me which version is stable at V4... because I have download v4.2.20... reason for asking is: I see that everyone is using Ubot v4... I have v5.5.1... So far the reviews is that v4 is the most stable one but which version of it....
  11. OK.. So TJ do you have any other secure system now?
  12. Hey frank.. Thank you man... Learn Ubot become a little bit frustrating, but it's like you said, make mistake to learn..
  13. Old Post but hey... I'm Vernon. From South Africa. I'm a 2IC " Second In charge" at a Retail Shop namely Trappers. "Full Time" I also work with children and adults that use drugs, s3xually abuse, homeless. I also teach some of them how to make some extra cash for himself. Also give relationship advice. Working with ladies that are heart broken in a relationship, especially abuse relationships.. I'm also a middleman in Tourist Agency Arrangements Best part of me lol... Always try to be the best husband and father to my own family.... Start using ubot studio to help me with my online busin
  14. You are welcome Bud... I am glad it works out for you.. ARunner: Thank you man I was also looking for it.. Regards
  15. I really hope they can fix it for you.. What I use to do was the following and every time it work. I can't promise it will work for you, but atleast you can try.. Delete all registry ubot files in your registry and use ccleaner to clean the registry as well. After that install ubot again. Use ctrl and f - only type ubot in and start search for the files in the registry.. It take a bit time to delete all because you have to delete it one by one. like I said it always work for me, when I install a program that I use to have and it don't want to install again. Please remember NOT to de
  16. Hey Bud. If you don't see your icons on the desktop go to your program files and try run it through there. But first end the process in your task manager.. and send the icon to your desktop. Mine is working perfectly.. Hope everything is working out for you... Regards Vernon
  17. Hey Bud..If I can give you advice.. It's much better to develop your own bot.. Use the following tutorial sites and learn.. Sometimes it's a little bit frustrating to learn for yourself... But with the help of these guys here you won't go wrong.. Ubotstudio.com/tutorials BEST ONE TO LEARN IS: www.ubottraining.com First go and register as a free member and then purchase the GOLD LEVEL... trust me it's honestly worth your money... The owner of the sites is UbotBuddy... He is a great guy and teacher... After I learn his tutorials everything start to make sense for me... and I really s
  18. Hey Buddy.. thanx man.. Will make purchase right now... See you in the Gold Area...
  19. Hey guys.. Ubottraining.com website is up and running. Buddy is back in action.. Will make purchase right now... Vernon
  20. Fixer - I have send him a email at this blog. Hopefully he will answer. I also want to buy his training at ubotttraining.com. I have a few videos from him, but thats not enough for me. I think business and home work is keeping him very busy... And I'm also waiting for the other website that he promise that he will launch soon. ubotcode.com... Let me know if you get in touch with the guy.. Vernon
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