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Everything posted by carlstarus

  1. Hi Botguru.net, I "my line of work" I absolutely need something like this... I hope you still have a copy left... Best Regards, Carl
  2. Wow this is Cool... and it's a better option compared to "trawling" the forum... (like I do lol )...
  3. Does anyone use this node in their Ubot 4 bots and now it's broken in Ubot 5? This node is supposed to remove the filepath from my variable... It doesn't seem to work in 5 though... set(#SitesToCheck, "{$nothing}{$replace($get files("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\INDEXING", "No"), ".csv", $nothing)}", "Global") Any suggestions ? Best regards, Carl
  4. Hi guy's, Today I have another weird one... I need to track the indexing of a growing number of websites. I normally use the "site:domainname.com" command in Google to see how many pages are indexed for a particular domain on any given day. I can no longer afford to do this by hand and built the following script... ui stat monitor("Number of sites to check: {$list total(%SitesList)}", "") ui stat monitor("Current site: ", $replace(#CurrentSite, "site:", $nothing)) set(#SitesToCheck, "{$nothing}{$replace($get files("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\INDEXING", "No"), ".csv", $nothing)}", "Globa
  5. I have another weird one... ui stat monitor("Number of sites to check: {$list total(%SitesList)}", "") ui stat monitor("Current site: ", $replace(#SiteCommandURL, "site:", $nothing)) set(#SitesToCheck, "{$nothing}{$replace($get files("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\INDEXING", "No"), ".xlsx", $nothing)}", "Global") add list to list(%SitesList, $list from text(#SitesToCheck, " "), "Delete", "Global") set(#SitesToCheck, $nothing, "Global") navigate("http://google.com", "Wait") wait for element(<name="q">, "", "Appear") set(#SiteCommandURL, "site:{$list item(%SitesList, 0)}", "Global") loo
  6. Thank you guy's... That's a huge relief... I sometimes tend to put the cart in front of the horse with my uBot coding... (I'm still a tenderfoot when it comes to uBot... ) Thank you for your help Gogetta, that will save me a LOT of time figuring out what to do...
  7. Hi guy's, I have kind of a weird question (possibly)... Does uBot write to html files? Application: I have 100 .html files with text and [keyword1] and [keyword2] and [lsi keyword] in some parts of the text. Can uBot find those variable and update the html files to reflect my list of keywords? If it can... does anyone now how ?
  8. Thanks Aymen, I can think of a thousand uses for this... Gabel thanks for the finishing touch...
  9. Hi Rogercd, is this still available? I'm looking for something very similar...
  10. Hi HelloInsomnia I just found your training... Looks really good. I'm gonna sign up a s soon as I finish, UbotBuddy's 30 day training...
  11. Hi nicksavage, I bought this 30 day training from Buddy at ubottraining.com It cost me just $47.00 to sign up. It helped me "wrap" my head around the concept. I've programmed before in both FileMaker (relational database programming) and WinAutomation (Windows Automation). Honestly I'd go with Buddy, I've tried the uBot resources and it's so outdated I had to look at more recent training opportunities... If anyone knows of other "formal" training, please let me know too... I'm still interested in learning more...
  12. Hi UbotDev, Thanks A Million... Aymens "file management" plugin, which has a function "$folder browser dialog". did the trick for me I'm a happy camper... lol
  13. Thanks for the reply UbotDev. Yes, I have more then 100 separate folders... each with their own project and "instance" of the software... So I need to select the one I'll be working with. I also constantly have to create new projects... The folders could also be located in different directories... Some on the C:\ Drive and other in my E:\ Drive...
  14. Hi guy's, I've done this: ui button("Select Folder") { set(#MyFolder, $get files("C:\\1-MOWG-SITE\\518-CELLULITE-SUB", "Yes"), "Global") set(#MySystemFolder, "{#MyFolder}\\SYSTEM", "Global") } The problem I'm having is how do I make the button "Select" a folder? In this (my example) case it's kinda "hard coded" (1-MOWG-SITE\\518-CELLULITE-SUB)... I need the button to open a browser window on my machine so I can select the folder I need to work with myself. Any takers ? Best regards, carlstarus
  15. Hi guys thank you so much for your help. Edward_2, Thank you for your help, as in my case the software doesn't always run from the same folder... Even though it's the same software, I have 1 folder for each project that I need to do. So I will need to select a different folder every time I run the software... UBotDev I think your shell command may help me avoid a LOT of irritation (lol) My software (bought) starts up 20 batch files in sequence, and every time 1 starts it pops up the cmd-prompt window... I hope to "suppress" them with your plugin... Thank you. P.S. I have uBot Pro... j
  16. Hi again uBotDev... I had a look at your website... and this is almost exactly how my software works... http://ubotdev.com/free-plugin-advanced-shell It's all a bunch of batch files creating data from an excel spreadsheet... P.S. Just signed up too .
  17. Hi uBotDev, thank you very much for the reply... but you're waaayyyy ahead of me I haven't even created the bot yet... :-) The problem is... I don't know how to make uBot "see" a folder... I signed up to http://ubottraining.com (and gone through the 30 day training...), but I still don't know. I've used WinAutomation in the past for Windows Automation and they had a very easy "select-folder" command. I do realize that uBot is more Web Automation, but there must be a way to make ubot select a folder on the C:\ Drive... I think from there on I would be able (using my spaghetti code ) to ret
  18. Hi, I own a very expensive piece of software that consists of different files inside a folder. The software itself has no UI as such. The software is run by a collection of batch files and excel spreadsheet. My idea is to build an interface for my software with Ubot. But in order to do that I must first try to "discover" how to get uBot see my "main" folder. Can anyone please help me with that? I know how to select a file, but I'm lost on folders.... :-) Any help is highly appreciated. PS. Please be gentle... I'm still a "uBot Virgin"... lol
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