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Everything posted by Bot-Factory

  1. Updated Video URL. Sorry there was some stuff missing in the first upload. Now it's the correct one (17 Minutes)
  2. Just a little preview of the new training videos. Much better quality and more detailed. Let me know if you like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpqDYBwVjZQ And don't miss the V2.0 launch. If you're not on the list, you won't get the discounts! https://exbrowser.bot-factory.com/prelaunchv2
  3. I post them in the Facebook Group. Please take a look. Kindest regards Dan
  4. Xpath Builder Pro V2.0 Update. Take a look here in the EXB FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExBrowserPlugin/
  5. Hi. You could use FF portable. For those settings it depends on how you configured them. EXB will use a new FF profile, so if you changed those settings manually in FF, it won't work. You would need to either specify that with EXB as options, or you create a FF profile with those settings and then tell EXB to load that profile. PS: Version 2.0 will take care of browser updates automatically. And will be updated frequently, to support latest browsers. So that problem will go away with V2.0 completely. Kindest regards Dan
  6. In Preparation of V2.0 Launch, the current Version is no longer available. If you're interested, please join the Pre Launch List >>Click Here<<
  7. Don't miss the EXb V2.0 PreLaunch Discount! If you're not on that list, you won't get it! >>Click Here<<
  8. ExBrowser POWER USERS wanted. If you are a heave EXB user, please contact me. Requirements: 1. At least >6 Months of experience coding with EXB 2. You sell your bots to external customers, or you use it within your own company 3. You have > 100 people using your EXB based bots. If you are one of those guys, please contact me directly. I want to work closer with you. Advantages for you: 1. More direct influence in the future of EXB. 2. I will prioritize some of your requirements. 3. You get more direct access to me for help and feature requests. 4. Early acces
  9. Hi. Zoom is a browser / OS function. All commands we send via EXB are sent to the website to control and work with the HTML website. You can't send commands to the browser (chrome / FF) application itself. That's not going to work. So if the website would support a zoom feature via javascript, then yes, that would work. Like clicking a button to zoom. But if you try to use the windows / browser toom feature, then NO, that can't be controlled via EXB. Regards Dan
  10. Scrape Text with EXB Plugin A little detail everyone should know... https://www.bot-factory.com/scrape-text-with-exbrowser-plugin/
  11. ExBrowser V2.0 PreLaunch Notification Enter your best Email here, so I can send you updates for the Launch of Version 2.0 https://exbrowser.bot-factory.com/prelaunchv2 Regards Dan
  12. Why do you post same question multiple times? Also on the EXB Facebook group? Post at one place and then give it a couple of days for people to respond. If you post that much in multiple places it can get a bit.. well... pushy.. Dan
  13. Couple of Updates about ExBrowser Version 2.0 Progress https://youtu.be/I4jwTjcQ0YY
  14. Xpath Expressions. If your Xpath Expressions do NOT start with // at the beginning, it is very important to use x: at the start of the expression. Otherwise the Xpath expression might not be recognized correctly! And just to remind everyone. x: or expressions who start with // are handled the same way! If your expression starts with something like (//, you HAVE TO use x:(// or it will fail! x: will look into all frames and iframes to find the element z: will only look into the current frame / iframe. Always ensure that your xpath expression only selects one element (Hint: element coun
  15. Might be that the Chrome guys changed something with an update. If they decided that it can't be disabled anymore, then there is nothing we can do about it. Need to check it. But if you didn't update your browser and still use the 70.x that is supported, then this should work just fine. I'll test this when I'm the office tomorrow. Dan
  16. ExBrowser Updates! Are there any Commands or Functions in the current version, where something is not clear or not working? And I mean this in a more general way. Not problems you have with an individual website. More like commands who are complicated to use. Where stuff could be simplified. Or where you need 3 commands all the time to archive something, that could be simplified? I'm currently looking at everything and try to figure out what can be optimized and simplified. So if you have something in mind, please share it here. Thank you Dan
  17. 1. First try it manually. Find something that works. 2. Then look into automation. 3. Proxy with authentication and firefox was always tricky. 4. Maybe look into a system wide proxy / vpn solution. So you can route the traffic via a local proxy and that service then authenticates and redirects to your "real "proxy. But keep in mind, that wouldn't work for multithreading. Or only if that tool would have multiple ports locally Hope this helps a bit. Dan
  18. Hi Guys, I wrote some infos on the upcoming V2.0 Version. Will have some more details very soon. Check it out here: https://www.bot-factory.com/the-future-of-exbrowser-update-on-version-2-0-plans/ CheersDan
  19. Google Recaptcha is designed to prevent automation. So... it's very likely that they have ways to detect automation. There is no way around that. Multilogin has some tools and ways to protect that and make it harder. But even then, it's not impossible for websites to detect stuff. Just imagine how many engineers google has to fight something. And how many engineers we have here. So first of all, you should always look into your business model and check if you're maybe at risk with what you are doing. I wrote an article about that here: https://www.bot-factory.com/is-your-business-at-risk
  20. No, because most of the time it makes no sense to use the internal browser. The websites who don't work in that browser, probably are bigger websites who have optimized code for different browser versions anyways. So the xpath you generate within the Xpath Builder Pro browser engine, might not work in Chrome or firefox, because the website shows different (optimized) html code for the particular browser. So I always recommend to copy the html code of the element from the browser you are really using to xpath builder pro, and use it to build the expression that way. Please watch the followi
  21. No. You would probably see some announcements when that happens :-) Dan
  22. Guys, I'm going to discuss some ExBrowser 2.0 Stuff over in the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExBrowserPlugin/ Need to have it somewhere in one place. So here, on my blog, via email, support forum and facebook. Would be to much to have it everywhere. So I decided to do it in the Facebook Group. So if you're interested in the new pricing structure, beta plans and features, join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExBrowserPlugin/ Cheers Dan
  23. Yes you can copy it, It's just that the files are locked from the windows operating system because the chrome process accesses it. Then another process can't access the same files for read/write access. Dan
  24. Every instance of Chrome needs it's own profile. Otherwise it doesn't work. Chrome can't load the same profile from multiple browsers. Give that a try and see if that works better then. Dan
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