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Everything posted by TimC

  1. Any comment like button on Youtube. e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N6wP5R_M74 Thanks
  2. I can't figure out how to CLICK one of these elements with ExBrowser. Any ideas? /html/body/ytd-app/div[1]/ytd-page-manager/ytd-watch/div[1]/div[2]/div/ytd-comments/ytd-item-section-renderer/div[2]/ytd-comment-thread-renderer[2]/ytd-comment-renderer/div[1]/div[2]/ytd-comment-action-buttons-renderer/div[1]/ytd-toggle-button-renderer[1]/a/yt-icon-button/button/yt-icon /html/body/ytd-app/div[1]/ytd-page-manager/ytd-watch/div[1]/div[2]/div/ytd-comments/ytd-item-section-renderer/div[2]/ytd-comment-thread-renderer[2]/ytd-comment-renderer/div[1]/div[2]/ytd-comment-action-buttons-renderer/div[1]/ytd
  3. Hi, I notice a section of the forum for buying bots is dead. Can anyone point me to where I could hire a Ubotter to create a simple Youtube bot for me? Thanks
  4. I am trying to create a Google account using Exbrowser. However, I can't select a dropdown and make it work. It simply says: You can't leave this empty. I have tried everything I can think of. But I can't get it to stick when it selects a month for your birthday. Here is the code: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Firefox", "", "") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://accounts.goo...&ltmpl=default") wait(0.5) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "<id=\":0\">") wait(
  5. Hi, I am trying to create a Google account using Exbrowser. However, I can't select a dropdown and make it work. It simply says: You can't leave this empty. I have tried everything I can think of. But I can't get it to stick when it selects a month for your birthday. Here is the code: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Firefox", "", "") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Ftab%3Dwm&ltmpl=def
  6. Hi, When I try to download gifs from Tumblr, it just returns a static image. Does anyone know a workaround to download gif images? I can't figure it out. Thanks
  7. Hi, I have a bot that I want to run multiple instances of. Therefore I need to rent some Windows servers. Can you rent full windows servers in the cloud? If so, what's the best provider? Thanks
  8. Hi, I'm interested in buying this software. But I want to use it mainly to comment on videos. Does it still work with new comments? Thanks
  9. TimC

    Captcha Issues

    Thanks! It works. I appreciate you getting back to me.
  10. TimC

    Captcha Issues

    Thanks for your reply. I'll take a look now. With Bypass Captcha it just requires a key. Will that work?
  11. TimC

    Captcha Issues

    Hi, So I've created a bot for workers. I pay people to run my bot on their computers. The only issue is that captcha solving is required. That works fine on my computer, but on theirs it switches to manual solving. I have selected DeathbyCaptcha and DeCaptcha when I compile the bot. This makes no difference though. Is there a way of hardcoding my captcha details into compiled bots that aren't used on my computer? Thanks
  12. Hi folks, Thanks for all your help so far. I'm creating a bot and I want the task to show percentage complete. I have done the sums, but the result is ugly. eg. 1.43895903845374534% How do I make it to 1 decimal point? Thanks
  13. Hi, I've searched the forum for an answer on how to hide the password characters. All people have written is type="password". How do I integrate that with my UI box? Thanks
  14. What's the raw code in the code view? Is that VSL? Thanks
  15. Hi, What coding language is Ubot. I know it's a dumb question, but I don't know! Thanks
  16. Thanks for you reply! That made me smile. I even LOOKED at your CAPITALIZED words for clues! While that's amusing, I am hoping someone could shed light onto why this is happening and how to fix it. T (Can't believe I've brought down the whole Ubotting world... I'm going to hell. Or Google-heaven! )
  17. Hi, I've created a bot to like videos. After every one I am auto-logged out. When I do it manually, I have no issues. It's like Youtube knows when it's a bot and when it's a real person. Maybe it has something to do with POST and GET, although I'm unsure. How do I fix this? Thanks, T
  18. TimC

    Split List Item?

    Genius. Thank you. Sorry for the delay!
  19. TimC

    Split List Item?

    Thanks for your reply. It doesn't work because I have more than one video to scrape. I tried to do it in 3 lists, but the results of each get set in different places, so it's inaccurate. I'll tell you if I figure it out. Otherwise, please share any wisdom
  20. Hi ladies and gents, I've searched all over for this. Can't seem to figure it out. I have scraped data to a list. However, here's what one list item looks like: (0): <a href="/watch?v=2ah30iH8AUA" class="related-video yt-uix-contextlink related-video-featured yt-uix-sessionlink" data-sessionlink="ei=feleUc3QDsmw8gOZzoHAAw&feature=fvwrel&ved=CBQQzRooAA"> <span class="ux-thumb-wrap contains-addto "><span class="video-thumb ux-thumb yt-thumb-default-120 "><span class="yt-thumb-clip"><span class="yt-thumb-clip-inner"><img alt="" data-th
  21. The website gives each user unique urls to bookmark, so each bookmark, and each user's sites are done by as many unique ips as possible. All the bot does is scrape the data and submit it. Thanks, Tim
  22. I forgot... And there needs to be a bot to complete registration through the Yahoo! email account!
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