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todordonev last won the day on March 12 2016

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About todordonev

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    Windows 8
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    v3.5 & v4.0
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  1. Hey there, The other day I was migrating a bot from ui html panel to the browser (Small interface). I had to push the contents of a table with multiple rows and columns to a JS variable in the browser. Thats where my problems started. Spent whole night debugging and wondering whats the problem turning the whole bot upside down, you know the thrill.Funny stuff because the whole problem was because of a single character. Ubot &table puts a strange new line character and Javascript does not like that character. navigate("http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html/html_tables.htm","Wait") scrape t
  2. Recently I've created a twitter account creator, when using Account data->username more than 50% of the times the username was taken. So i guess twitter does not have much bot accounts
  3. I also had problems with Twitter and Tumblr so I am now using exbrowser and there are no problems whatsoever.
  4. Here is a tip. Start chrome with those parameters: --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars Those will remove the nasty little windows and bars telling you that chrome didn't close properly. Those might only be necessary when you use --user-data-dir
  5. Dan, The exbrowser plugin is the real deal. But its now time to run multiple exbrowser bots. In my case I have a powerful work PC and I can run multiple multithreaded bots,but I have clients which want some sophisticated bots which need extensive testing (long testing). So I need to run multiple exbrowser bots at once. In the command reference says that the cleanup command terminates all Chrome and Firefox processes. What about PhantomJS? What if I dont use the cleanup command? Can you edit the command to work "per bot" instead of "per system"? If its not some kind of secret (I can understan
  6. They have to be there. I am using only google chrome as my daily browser. I was able to run a 100% copy of it with exbrowser plugin -> bookmarks,cookies,history,plugins everything was loaded.
  7. Nope, this directory wont work, Dan said so and I tested it. Ubot kind of crashes. This is the directory of your own google chrome that you use.Don't use that. If you want to use it - copy the contents of C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data to another folder and point exbrowser's chrome to there.
  8. Dan, A few questions: 1. For selecting elements, is XPath the only way? 2. Can you shed some light on using offsets, for example selectings the n-th <li> ? 3. Why is the below code returning more than 0 even when every chrome proccess is killed in Task manager? alert($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Browser Count")) EDIT: Here's how to click an element with an offset with XPath plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x:(//li[@id=\"test-element\"])[3]")
  9. Set {#some_path} to something you like like. Start your browser like so plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Generic Chrome Parameter", "--user-data-dir={#some_path}")) Login to your facebook/install an extension/etc. Close the browser Open the browser the same way. You will have your extensions open and cookies imported and basically everything. I have tested this with Chrome only, Firefox is to be tested soon Cheers, Todor.
  10. The extension is opening a new tab, not chrome itself. Dan is there a way that you remove error alerts and replace those with some behaviour. For example time out errors - they are annoying and because of them I cant just leave my bots to work, but every now and then I have to return to the bot and click 'Continue' on the error alerts. Instead of throwing an "error timeout" it will be great if the browser just closes after 60 seconds and the loop continues. SS of the error : https://gyazo.com/58dcc95f343d00072304431b61fb4265 Also. Multithreadining with exbrowser is nowhere near fun. I am a
  11. I wanted to get this plugin for so long and I finally bought it 1 week ago. Its amazing what you can achieve with a real browser. I made a little speed test(using the exbrowser plugin) which consisted of:1 launch google chrome 2.navigate to a page 3. wait to load. 4.Stop Here is a screenshot of the results https://gyazo.com/cb11cad8bb1b9384433140f0134d1230 %speed is the speed of google chrome with extension %speed is the speed of google chrome without the extension As you can see the difference is huge. So how do you start up exbrowser Chrome with plugin? Here's how: 1. this is the plugin
  12. It would have been great if we could handle cookies. If there is a way to "import" previously "saved" cookies per account it will be awesome and will decrase the chance of ban. Yeah, sure, we can play with cookies with ubot but what matters is the HTTPONLY cookies. Those are the ones with which we "auto login". Code Docta if you have skype shoot me a private message with your username, I have some ideas that I need someone to discuss with. Cheers, Todor.
  13. I also have problems with chrome 39 and "save element image". I cant download the captcha, uBot and CEF browser crash all the time. Can someone help please.
  14. How did you tackle the nocaptcha ? Thanks in advance.
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