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Checking for Working Proxy

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Hello everyone , im struggling with proxies because most of public proxies dont work that well . i have a simple account creator and id like it to check if proxy works at the start of the loop , if it works then save it to different list and file for example "working proxy" and continue to make account with it . if it succeeds save username/pass/proxy IP:port to list and file . if it fails delete and change proxy and start the loop again.


Another option is to make proxy checker separatly , test all proxies and save working ones to different file , which can be used to make accounts later .


any help is appriciated



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basically you can have it change proxy want for page loaded with timeout set to maximum load time you want say 10 seconds or 5 for speed.


if the item on the page your looking for doesn't show up then change proxy again and loop back.




Where the random all is my define command for change proxy.


so if the error shows up in the page, then continue looping till no error, can also add in a add to list if not an error so you save good ones.



Here is attached a proxy checker i through together for you.

For socks, and normal proxys, with maximum wait timeout for each proxy when loading the page.

check my proxys.ubot

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i normally have my proxy supplier bind the proxys to my ip, as it makes it much easier to use the proxys then having to deal with user/pass combos.


but you should be able to add them in there as a table and slightly re-wtire the code given to check them.

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Here is the file again:

ui open file("Proxy list file", #proxy list)
ui drop down("Type of Proxy?", ",Socks Proxy,Normal Proxy", #type of proxy)
ui drop down("Proxy timeout max", ",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60", #proxy timeout)
ui save file("Save Good Proxys to:", #save to)
clear list(%prox)
add list to list(%prox, $list from file(#proxy list), "Delete", "Global")
set list position(%prox, 0)
loop($list total(%prox)) {
   set(#proxy to check, $next list item(%prox), "Global")
   if($comparison(#type of proxy, "=", "Normal Proxy")) {
       then {
           change proxy(#proxy to check)
       else {
           change proxy("socks4://{#proxy to check}")
   navigate("http://www.whatismyip.com/", "Wait")
   wait(#proxy timeout)
   if($exists(<innertext=w"Your IP Address Is:*">)) {
       then {
           add item to list(%good proxys, #proxy to check, "Delete", "Global")
       else {
save to file(#save to, %good proxys)

check my proxys.ubot


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