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Multi email handler

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Yesterday night I found a fantastic site to create backlinks from. It's quite a big site, untapped, very high PR, it's old so they have not taken care of the NoFollow attribute, the number of outgoing links are very limited in relation to their number of indexed pages probably because they target an audience that are older, and finally I can create profile backlinks, blog posts etc ALL carrying anchor texts. No Ajax to deal with either. IDEAL! I was so happy finding this site that I stayed up til 2:30 AM this night looking at all I could do with it, almost shivering of excitement. :)


Anyway there is of course one "downside" to this and that is that instead of targeting many sites with one email address, I am targetting one site with many email addresses, so I just wonder if any of you have created a somewhat different email account creator/confirmation link verifier that deals with massive amounts of email accounts with one link each, instead of one (or a few) email account(s).




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Guess if my sites are going to become real parasites on this site's Page rank. ;) :) :D :lol:


There are country specific parts of that site too and it appears that the activity in some countries are really low, yet the sites are crawled by Google. No one will notice if I create a couple of million backlinks. <Site> here I come! :)


My bot is almost ready, but I need to see if I can do it multithreaded so I can create more links faster behind parallell proxies (is this doable? Hmmm... Probably not, right!?). :lol: Another good thing is that the email confirmation link is always kind of the same (no regexps are needed to find the link in the emails), so the bot that deals with account confirmations is extremely simple. Not only that, almost everything with this bot is extremely simple thanks to the site.


Oh my, oh my! This site is a GOLD MINE! I smell success - finally.

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My suggestion would be to use a catchall email and then use mail2web.com inside of sockets to gather an nav to each of the confirmation links. I know this can be done because i have coded it when registering and spamming wordpress sites.


Edit: Oh and with sockets and threads your bot will be a link building beast.

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The bot is about to be finished in its first version and it is working GREAT, apart from the following:

It deals with profile creation with random languages on the site (just a simple hash table with random numbers deciding table row to get country specific setups). There is ONE _MAJOR_ issue with UBot and I have been aware of that ever since I bought my Ubot license and that is the lack for support of characters any other than the usual characters in English. In my country we have three special characters (six when including the upper case version) and to write a blog post that should look natural REQUIRES support for these characters, which UBot don't have (yet). For one of the markets I am targetting right now, there are three keyword phrases of 20 that do not contain these special characters, and I could go after them for the anchor texts in the links, but the blog post itself will still look kind of crappy.


Anyway: while doing this bot another problem arised to get the signups look natural and that is how the account information is generated. I assume that UBot Studio uses http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ as the provider of account specifics, but there is no way to enter any parameter in UBot Studio to tell what kind of profile it should create account info for. So again, as for the special characters, UBot Studio assumes that the bot creator, the created texts and the targeted systems are always US or UK, but the rest of the languages in the world contains special characters and ppl living elsewhere (FakeNameGenerator can handle it).


The support of UTF-8 in coming in UBot 4 and I hope for an updated account info creation taking care of the creation of account info that necessarily is NOT english.

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Yeah, thanks TJ. I was updating my posting at the same time as you made your posting. Sorry about that.


I have also sent in a couple of files to support so they have something to test the characters in both regular text + spinnable text.

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I signed up for a new mail domain just to take care of this and it was really old (a short .com address with a high appraised "value"). I bought that domain. Later it turned out that it, til just before I took it, had belonged to a major US corporation thatw as bought by another major corp, so my catchall adress actually causes me to get mails to ppl who haven't updated their email addresses. I wish I knew. Quite funny to read the mails though...



A really good idea with the catchall address, Gogetta. Thanks!

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