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Is there a way to set the browser to installed chrome?

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I am unable to change browsers ( as most things does not work ) in the latest version. If someone knows if this works and i can change it from somewhere i would like to try.


On other note if for some reason Sett ( or the guys that code it reads this ) Ubot is literally best Automation language/software even with the outdated browser on the stable version. I think if you manage to update it to working latest browser ( preferably the installed one ) and a way to manage javascript fingerprints there will be a surplus of new users  

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Hello @bloodydox, thanks for your acknowledgement!

I get you. An immediate solution can be to use the stable 5.9.55 version https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ubotsupportfiles/5.9.55+Setup.msi and a specialized plugin for handling external browsers https://automaxed.com/plugins/browser-automation

If you need help regarding the browser automation plugin and how to handle JS fingerprints with it, you can reach out https://automaxed.com/support

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Another plugin to consider for external browsers would be https://exbrowser.net
Has been around for years, and widely used among the community, with it also being I believe the most replied to and viewed thread on the forum.


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On 1/13/2022 at 9:17 AM, PRO said:

Hello @bloodydox, thanks for your acknowledgement!

I get you. An immediate solution can be to use the stable 5.9.55 version https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ubotsupportfiles/5.9.55+Setup.msi and a specialized plugin for handling external browsers https://automaxed.com/plugins/browser-automation

If you need help regarding the browser automation plugin and how to handle JS fingerprints with it, you can reach out https://automaxed.com/support

I never seen this, what library it uses?

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