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Issue Opening Compiled Bot After 5.9.55 Ubot Update

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Hey guys,

do you also have problems when compiling bots since the last update 5.9.55 ?


I'm using windows seven, last ubot 5 version 5.9.55, without any plugins and the bot cannot open. All of my bots have the same issue when I compile them.

Here is the bot i made for test, the one you can see on the screen. I've attached the .ubot.

ui button("go google") {
define go {
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    type text(<name="q">,"ubot forum","Standard")
    click(<name="btnK">,"Left Click","No")



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Yups already sended a report to support.

Not a developer but looks like a dll is borked.


Ok man, thanks, I hope this will be soon resolved.

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Hey guys,

do you also have problems when compiling bots since the last update 5.9.55 ?


I'm using windows seven, last ubot 5 version 5.9.55, without any plugins and the bot cannot open. All of my bots have the same issue when I compile them.

Here is the bot i made for test, the one you can see on the screen. I've attached the .ubot.

ui button("go google") {
define go {
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    type text(<name="q">,"ubot forum","Standard")
    click(<name="btnK">,"Left Click","No")

same with me zen


I think they fixed the compiler. It works again. For me that is 

I did not get newest update

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