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[ASK] AMF Youtube View Captcha (Rotate Captcha)

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How can crack this kind of captcha...
Is it possible captcha solver like DBC solve this...?



Click to rotate image. 0, 90, 180 & 360 degree

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to see a creative solution to this captcha!


The tic tac toe captcha was easy to crack, but this one is impossible using Ubot.  Like K said, there are just way to many different variations... 

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  • 1 year later...

I dont know much about captchas but going from that example their is a 1 in 16 chance of getting it right but randomly trying,



but using image recognition to match the shapes,

so get the link of the actual captcha you are looking at captcha captcha_api/plugins/1 223 334.etc ,open up say 8 new browsers(ive never used that command before,dont know how many browsers you can open)


(keeping the one browser you are one,so nine altogether)  and try one combination on each of the 8 browsers(giving you a 1 in 2 chance,if all unsuccessful try another unused combination on the main browser,if one is successful pass that combination to the main browser,so  9/16 chances of getting it right) if no luck,try again



I am only guessing,if each link above still generates new random positions,then you will need to use image recognition to A.tell the positions of the two boxes,by matching 1 of the 16 position combinations,this shouldn't be too difficult,a guy  put up a script here for matching images,so positions are probably easier,I would use high contrast to make them pure black,and match image with the 16 combinations


,when matched,log it 0&180 etc,then start clicking,if any are right,do the same method for the main browser with a method of converting the difference in clicks because of the different starting positions

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  • 4 months later...

Any news on this one? would be nice to solve it.


I have one bot, called addmepoint which making points on AMF traffic exchange and YT views. Obviously solving this captcha it self, but i don't know how to decompile it and have look how it's done. If anyone want to have look, let me know

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