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[Tutorial] HTTP Post Plugin Signup With Captchas (Source Code)

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For a while, I had no idea how to use the HTTP post plugin on websites to signup, and especially on websites that had captchas. I sorted of learned it by testing different commands one at a time, and then I decided that I would try to put them all together to solve the problem I was having. The tutorial I have put together will show you how you can make a signup bot using the HTTP post plugin without the browser even doing a thing! :) This will cut down on your ram and bandwidth usage. You may need to change some of the regex algorithms, but the process stays the same.

ui text box("Loops", #loops)
ui save file("Save To", #saveo)
ui stat monitor("Created", $list total(%usernames))
ui button("Save!") {
    save to file(#saveo, %usernames)
loop(#loops) {
    plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "http container") {
        set(#html88, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "https://m.anything.com/Account/SignUp", "NotABot", "http://m.anything.com/login", "", ""), "Global")
        set(#test88, $find regular expression(#html88, "(?<=type=\"hidden\" value=\").*(?=\\\" />)"), "Global")
        download file("https://m.anything.com/CaptchaImage/Render?challenge={#test88}", "C:\\Users\\Patrick\\Desktop\\pick88.png")
        set(#result88, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http upload", "http://poster.de-captcher.com/", "function=picture2&username=NODEVIEWCOPY&password=gsgas&pict_to=0&pict_type=0", "C:\\Users\\Patrick\\Desktop\\pick88.png", "pict", "image/jpeg", "", "", "", ""), "Global")
        set(#result88, $find regular expression(#result88, "[a-z]"), "Global")
        set(#result88, $replace regular expression(#result88, "\\s", $nothing), "Global")
        plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "HTTP POST", "https://m.anything.com/Account/SignUp", "Birthday=5%2F6%2F1995&Gender=2&UserName=anything{$rand(1, 1000000)}&Password=bluecoder12&ConfirmPassword=bluecoder12&Email=email%{$rand(1, 10000000)}emailservice.com&Challenge={#test88}&AttemptedSolution={#result88}", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0", "https://m.anything.com/Account/SignUp", #put88) {
        if($contains(#put88, "My status")) {
            then {
                add item to list(%usernames, $find regular expression(#put88, "(?<=users/[^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z][^a-z]).*(?=</a>)"), "Delete", "Global")
            else {
        plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "Clear Cookies", "http://m.anything.com")

  1. User input boxes can control common things such as loops, or where to save the newly created accounts
  2. If desired, you can also have a stat monitor to display your progress
  3. The HTTP container helps keep everything in place, so you'll want that
  4. You must download your Captcha, and there is no other way to do this besides downloading the webpage
  5. The Captcha in this tutorial had an ID, so I had to make a regex algorithm to trim away the HTML and only grab the ID
  6. Now that I have the ID, I can download the file to anywhere I want
  7. This is the part where I actually solve the captcha, in my case i was using GSA Captcha Breaker, and it emulated the decaptcher service
  8. When the captcha was solved, it returned something that looked like "150|55|01|result" so I had to use regex to only grab my result
  9. After it only grabbed the letters, the regex returned "r e s u l t" so I used  \s in regex to take away the spaces
  10. This is the actual sign up part! I was pretty lazy with this using a random birthday 5/6/1995, a male gender, the username is anything1-1000000, the password is bluecoder12 (I just use it on all my fake accounts that I make to keep things simple) the email can be anything you want, and I also used the captcha ID and result from earlier make up the last part
  11. Time to check if the account was actually created. The HTML when the account was created had a username that was after "   users/  " and the username was before the closing </a> (the numbers were at the end)
  12. Since it was an "if" command, it only saves the account to usernames under certain conditions
  13. Clears cookies

This doesn't really work if you just copy and paste your website in, but it is a good foundation for a HTTP post plugin sign up bot :) I really hopes this encourages you to go out and make your own bot! If you want to see some source codes in action, I have 2 really good sales threads in my signature. :) (Right below)

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