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Is dev worth the money from pro?

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Sell a few bots and make up the cost with a few sales...uhhh yes... worth it!!


If you have a good bot you can do this every day of the week.


You can even do what that cool guy above does and sell code.


Many ways to make money with Ubot

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Okay, I'm thinking about it.. I work currently as a web developer.. So I need to figuer out some smart methods to use the ubot.. Because just by looking trough the forums I've a ton of people who are creative and effective with their bots..


And as the knowledge I have with CSS and HTML, it would be great to pitch something up.. Getting boored of the grey looking... 


I will defently look into it.. 

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You don't really need it IMHO since you can sell your bots with PRO same as with DEV, nobody really cares how shiny is your UI if your bot does not work as expected, also nobody really cares that there is ubot branding on your bot.

So if you remove branding and UI customization there is only one feature left - "onload" command which is nice but not really needed.

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Like others above have stated, if you plan on selling your bots then yes.

But if you are just using them for your own personal use, you don't really need it.


Dev is more for people who want control of their UI, and want to remove branding.


I purchased Dev, and although I haven't sold bots en masse I don't regret it.

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