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User Agent Trickery, etc.

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Okay, so we can fake User Agent and all.


I was wondering, what cannot be faked?


I'm needing to identify people so that they are NOT given credit for an action, and I've come to the realization that maybe it cannot be done... But how close can I get to eliminate the 95% of those trying to use trickery? :)


It's kinda like reverse-uBot. :)


If you have any ideas, articles, suggestions, I'd appreciated hearing them.


My only idea (narrowed down after many days of thought) is:


Use a few ideas stringed together. (What those are, and what they should be, not sure.)


For example:

IP Address + Flash Cookie (downfall is that not every user will have Flash installed), but something like this, a combo.


What's harder to fake, or at least cost money?




Update: Clarification. This is server based, so it's not an app/software that is installed on the user end. It's credit for a form filled in.

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as far as I know you can't get the hardware id unless the user install a piece of software on his computer (and it has admin rights in some cases) ...so, capturing the hardware id from visitors of your site... is not an option...unless you work at homeland security :))))  

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as far as I know you can't get the hardware id unless the user install a piece of software on his computer (and it has admin rights in some cases) ...so, capturing the hardware id from visitors of your site... is not an option...unless you work at homeland security :))))  



it can be built into your software to pull information from the hardware on the pc without having to have admin rights.  see system commands plugin       

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I made an update, clarification:


This is server based, so it's not an app/software that is installed on the user end. It's credit for a form filled in.


Since we are all on the end of using bots to exploit (take that positive or negative)  :mellow:  ... How can I protect myself?


Especially from someone looking at the form and how what it needs?

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