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I want to buy ubot standard edition, is there any big limitation compare to others??

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Hi, i want to buy a ubot standard edition in a few days, i have a few question. Can i use the regex function? if i want to build a template that have a command to verify email that will work for different site, can i build it with standard edition..and it is standard edition very limited in terms of its function compare to others..?

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Hi, i want to buy a ubot standard edition in a few days, i have a few question. Can i use the regex function? if i want to build a template that have a command to verify email that will work for different site, can i build it with standard edition..and it is standard edition very limited in terms of its function compare to others..?


There's a few more commands and functions, image recognition which helps a lot. For what you're looking to do though, you can definitely get away with standard edition.

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I upgraded from standard to pro within a week of getting Ubot.


For me the biggest advantage of upgrading to pro was the ability to use multi-threading, and being able to turn off css,javascript, and images. Supposed to be as fast as sockets...


Image recognition is defintely a big plus as well. From what you are needing though, the standard will probably suit you well.


But don't be surprised if you find yourself upgrading to pro once you really get the hang of it. :)

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It's really a non issue in terms of decision making, as all ubot members have the ability to upgrade at any time. It does not cost you more to upgrade than it does to buy that license outright so you are safe with whichever license you choose.




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I used the standard edition for a while making bots but a2mateit said, it wasn't long until I upgraded to Pro! There are features in Pro that just made coding my bots so much easier. It's a great package and now I am seriously considering upgrading to the Developer edition. I think Standard will do what you outlined, but once you see the potential I am guessing an upgrade won't be far behind.


Whichever you decide on, I don't think you'll ever regret taking the leap!

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I currently use the standard edition, but will look to upgrade at some point. I would like the developer edition because of the ability to Use HTML, CSS, and Javascript to design your own bot interface.

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