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Found 9 results

  1. I`ve created this small script for bulk domain appraisals on GoDaddy. I´ve adapted a multi threading script I found here but it´s a little unreliable. I need this to be lightning fast and to be able to connect through proxies (backend storm proxies). Things to notice: I´m grabbing my list from a local file. Example list item: https://www.godaddy.com/domain-value-appraisal/appraisal/?isc=gdrpf730&checkAvail=1&domainToCheck=ubot.com I´m exporting the appraisals to a local file Thanks for any help on optimizing this script clear cookies clear list(%Domain List) clear list(%Dom
  2. I tried lot and but no use,,I could not make the bot multi threaded can anyone please help me.. below is my code..this is simple data picked from csv file..I tried code given http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/10042-new-v4-tutorial-multi-threading-example/ but all thread windows used same user details and login to yahoo from same row.. ui open file("Accounts",#GmailAccount) create table from file(#GmailAccount,&Gmailaccount) ui text box("Starting Point",#StartingPoint) set(#row,#StartingPoint,"Global") add list to list(%Use this proxy,$list from file(#proxy),"Delete"
  3. So i am wondering imagine this scenario: I am scraping data from 3 different sites into a same table every site is on its own thread Now when you save data i usually use variable to increment row position what i want to know is what logic do you guys use to save data into the same table when multithreading there can be issues like: What if the data is re-written by other variable from other Thread? i mean what if data from site 1 is in the table and then it gets re-written over by data from site 2?? I am just exploring possibilities here to learn what is the best way! Any help i
  4. I've read many posts on the topic and still think it could use some explanation or official documentation. I think this is how they work, but would appreciate confirmation. LOCAL VARIABLE IN A: 1. "Define" command/function - stays local and only commands inside this container can interact with the variable's value, unless you pass or return it. 2. A 2nd "define" command within another "define" command - even though this 2nd custom command is inside the top "defined" command, the local variables within the top container are not available to the 2nd command unless you pass the local va
  5. This maybe a loaded question but I'm attempting to get an idea of how I can scale my business and was wondering what feedback others may have. I realize the length and size of the bot running might defer the response in answers but on average how many bots can run on the same computer at a time? Should I be looking at cloud services to scale my business, to have multiple servers or computers running multiple bots at the same time? If so any recommendations? How many browsers do you typcally run at the same time before your computing gets bogged down. I appreciate your thoughts and insi
  6. So since it said that multithreading is fixed on ubot 5.5 so we don't need to use threadcounter plugin to make it works And now how we do multi threading (ex. login using multi account to same site) on ubot 5.5 ? How we structured our code? Anyone has an example to follow along?
  7. Hello guys.. I need to know if I can create another instance of ubot browser when accesing another module when adding a new Script window. For example, when I run a new script on a new window I want to be able to open another script while the first one is running, and then run the 2nd script in the same time.
  8. Hi guys, so the multithreading works with my code below but only if the "sexProxy" define is removed from inside "thread code". How can I make it work with proxy? Any suggestions? define setProxy(#fnProxyWithCredentials) { set(#fnProxyWithCredentials, #fnProxyWithCredentials, "Global") clear list(%fnProxy) add list to list(%fnProxy, $list from text(#fnProxyWithCredentials, ":"), "Delete", "Global") set(#fnProxyUsername, $list item(%fnProxy, 2), "Global") set(#fnProxyPassword, $list item(%fnProxy, 3), "Global") set(#fnProxyWithPort, "{$list item(%fnProxy, 0)}:{$list
  9. hi guys, hope someone can help. basically im at a point now where im stuck. my situation or what i would like: i have a list of accounts. i log into those accounts in a new browser. i try to scrape a list contained within & unique to each of those accounts. i then want to go to or navigate through the scraped list and perform certain actions for that account. problem is that something goes wrong with the scraped lists & the actions subesquently dont perform. someone pleeeeease help! this is what ive got minus the UI stuff: thanks guys and really hoping someone can hlep me
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