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Chris M

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Chris M

  1. Just to be clear... Are you saying all current owners of advanced screen and windows will get access to this with their current license purchase?
  2. You could use something like this: download file("http://techpatterns.com/downloads/firefox/useragentswitcher.xml", "{$special folder("Desktop")}\\useragentswitcher.xml") wait(1) clear list(%Useragents) add list to list(%Useragents, $list from text($find regular expression($read file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\useragentswitcher.xml"), "(?<=useragent=\").*?(?=\")"), " "), "Delete", "Global") save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\Useragents.txt", %Useragents)
  3. Yes but in this case we WANT Google to have a profile built on the user. Otherwise it doesn't look like normal traffic. We can do everything else right but if the profile isn't there Google will wonder why all this traffic is blocked or looks new.
  4. So I got to thinking about this last night and Google has profiles that they track across multiple browsers and applications. You pretty much can't use the internet without Google knowing a lot about you and your history. Unfortunately with all programs I've come across on the internet..none of them actually have or build a profile to look like a real internet user. Every software out there comes in looking like a brand new user with no history. So I got to thinking about this and what that implies and I think in theory what we need to do to' simulate this is to build a tool that actuall
  5. The way I suggest using Ubot Launcher is launch all plugins while you're coding and debugging. When you're ready to compile the final version of the executable I always save the project and close out of Ubot Studio. Then use uLibrary to open that project only with the plugins you used during coding stage. Then compile with only the plugins that you actually used.
  6. I wouldn't even waste your time on HMA as Google is aware of all their IPs and it would not make a difference in using them. If http post is the only way to use the rotating proxies right now I'd suggest releasing that as I'm sure most people already have the http post plugin already and if not it's worth the investment anyhow. Then if enough people left request it without then start trying to figure out the way around it.
  7. Guys you do NOT want to miss picking this one up! Every other software like this is severely flawed and doesn't really look at all like real traffic because 99% of the other bots out there that fake visitors are using sockets and browsers made for botting. Unlike other tools Traffic Titan uses REAL browsers installed on the users machine and mimics exactly what a real visitor footprint looks like. This is where all other tools fail miserably. Traffic Titan not only makes Google and other search engines think the visitor and traffic is real by using real browsers but it also uses random user
  8. I think that's a good idea @Brutal. I thought about that today actually rather than saving 2 different copies of the code.
  9. I just picked this up! Good job Nick! Can you add an icon for the software so I know what it is in the taskbar? -Chris
  10. Why is the audio quality so bad on this? Does it not produce CD quality audio?
  11. Are you referring to this thread Frank: https://www.codedeception.com/ipb/index.php?/topic/4420-official-crack-request-thread-v2/&page=19
  12. I know I tested this today (Not On Facebook) and it is working properly. You must make sure you have the right xpath expression.
  13. Saw this while at the movies and didn't hesitate to buy without reading the sales copy. Great tool that does what it says. Grab it while you can!
  14. This is a fantastic idea Frank. I was just telling two other members here about some ideas I had for putting more money in their pockets and I think this would be perfect for them. Wish I could tag them here. Good luck with this and awesome idea!
  15. This is a really powerful tool guys. Nick put a lot of work in to this tool as you can see. Tracking metrics over time is something that SEO's pay good money for and this software does that in a one off payment! This is something that I haven't seen offered in any other tool so this is a must have IMO! Awesome job Nick!
  16. Problem with Bitcoin is market going up and down too frequently. You could lose a lot of money in bitcoin unless you sell instantly upon getting it.
  17. @mrwalt - So here's the thing with Ubot Stealth. The upcoming version of Ubot Stealth uses a single new browser called CefSharp which is another Chromium Web Browser. There's nothing inherently wrong with it but again it's one browser built in to Ubot Studio. The reason something like the External Browser Plugin is so powerful and why users prefer it over anything else is because it taps in to some of the most utilized mainstream browsers out there. Specifically Google Chrome and Firefox. We also have included PhantomJS which is a headless browser that is silent, fast and reliable. The
  18. Can anyone tell me why this statement isn't working? ui text box("Enter Your Amazon Product URL",#AmaProductURL) Get ASIN() define Get ASIN { set(#newasin,$find regular expression(#AmaProductURL,"(?<=\\/dp\\/).+?(?=\\/)"),"Global") if($comparison(#newasin,"=","")) { then { set(#newasin,$find regular expression(#AmaProductURL,"(?<=\\/gp\\/product\\/).+?(?=\\/)"),"Global") } else if($comparison(#newasin,"=","")) { set(#newasin,$find regular expression(#AmaProductURL,"(?<=\\/gp\\/).+?(?=\\/)"),"Global") } else {
  19. I think I figured it out guys. Looks like it's a problem with an if then statement. Seems something is up with the statement.
  20. Guys, I have a very small script that used to work using the http post plugin and string management that no longer works on my machine. The only thing that has changed as far as I can tell is that I upgraded to Windows 10 and now the bot no longer works right. The bot is simple. It asks the user for an amazon url, then it uses regex to pull out the ASIN and then fetches some details from Google before saving data to a file for the end user. Everything works on my machine EXCEPT getting the ASIN from the string. Now, TJ confirms it works on his end and he put up a video showing it w
  21. If you have been sitting on the fence wondering if you should buy the External Browser Plugin or worried you can’t afford it you need to pay attention to every word in this post. Let’s be upfront here. We have all read the horror stories some people have put up in the forums and the Skype room talking about browser crashes in Ubot Studio. I personally have never had any issues on my system. But… I have been on the receiving end of upset clients and refund requests due to some of my Ubot software not working on my customers systems for one reason or another. The bottom line is I hate havi
  22. I have one more video to go through guys and Nick always delivers the good stuff! His tutorials are very easy to follow and understand even by beginners. I mean he just makes learning very easy and simple to follow along. He over delivers in this by providing actual source code used in the course for two big sites that can be a challenge to learn from on your own plus being able to see exactly what he's doing side by side is a no brainer. I highly recommend this course for anyone as there is something to learn for all skill levels here. Great job once again Nick!
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