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About winwell

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday April 21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    UK, Newcastle
  • Interests
    IM, programming, DIY, walking

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    Windows 8
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  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Trying this out as a test but I get a Script Error after following Seth's tutorial. connect to speech synthesis("***") start playing speech("Hello this is a test","Bella","False") wait for speech It reads: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'C:\\Users\\single/Documents\Ubot Studio Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks
  2. Thanks both, Will try these both out a bit later and report back - cheers
  3. I have a bot that collects values from lots of sites. At the moment I am just creating a variable for each one and assigning the value for a site to a variable, so I will have lots of them (around 100) Is there a quick and efficient way to add all those variables up to get a total sum? Using eval and add is messy when you're adding more than a few up? Thanks
  4. You just add the captcha credentials within Ubot itself (Tools - Captcha Service accounts), then when you compile the bot tick the box to include services menu. When you run the exe, you'll see the captcha account(s) you specified are still in the menu. I think when I originally tried, I didn't check that services menu box during compilation - expecting the credentials to be stored somewhere, but you have to check that box. This is a bot for my personal use, hence wanting my credentials to be stored. if you were selling it, you wouldn't add your own details, but the buyer could add theirs
  5. Surely that customer's dispute from 2012 will not be upheld. Like Kev said, I understand it to have a 180 day limit. However, if the dispute is tying up your funds while it gets investigated, the customer might be doing it out of sheer spite. Some people are just sick. Hope it works out for you.
  6. Yes, switching the post did work but wierdly when I test port 587 in the wizard it doesn't connect, but the default port does. Strange.
  7. Just seen this http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/629
  8. I have just upgraded to the latest Ubot Version 5.7.1 and have now got a problem sending a mail. This didn't happen in the previous version I was using a couple of days ago. if you have the latest version, can you try this as a test? This uses Gmail, so if yo can enter your own Gmail credentials and send an email to yourself. connect to mail server("SMTP With SSL","enteryourshere@gmail.com","password","smtp.gmail.com",465) { send email("youremail","test","Plain Text","testing","","","") }Does this work for you or do you get a timeout error? (Or am I doing it wrong??) Thanks
  9. Thanks for all the advice. I've upgraded to the latest version and it works with the \auto argument. Hopefully this thread will also help others struggling with this issue
  10. I'm running 5.0.13 at the moment. I actually got it to work by moving all the code into an Onload event - not the best solution because I can't edit that code now as it runs each time I open the ubot file and as part of the code is to close the program, well, you see what I mean! So if I subscribe to updates and get latest version, you reckon the auto switch thing should work?
  11. Thanks. I tried the .bat file idea, but same thing happens. It opens the bot but it doesn't run automatically.
  12. Thanks but I've tried that and for me, doesn't work. Is there a plugin that might help?
  13. I've been through the forum and seen a few posts on this but I cannot get my bot to auto run. I am using Windows scheduler with the /auto parameter. At the appropriate time, the compiled bot opens but just waits. I tried with window maximized,normal and minimised. No difference. I also tried Freebyte task scheduler in case that would help - but no good. Am using Ubot Dev 5 with Win 8.1 Does anyone know how I can get my bot to auto run on schedule? Thanks
  14. I've done the bot which works fine in Ubot because I manually add the captcha account details. When I compile it (and check the option to add the captcha menu), the compiled bot doesn't store my captcha account details. I have to enter them manually. So my question is can you embed or store captcha account details in a compiled bot so you don't have to enter them manually? Thanks EDIT - Forget this - I must have been doing something wrong because the credentials are stored
  15. Thanks - yes I got it working so at least I can see the value assigned to a variable in an alert box, so next thing I need to do is to email that value to myself each day. Cheers
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