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Everything posted by Kev

  1. I was thinking of developing it further into a piece of equipment for partially/completely blind people to get news and advanced warnings as quickly as possible.
  2. Great post. I like the rabbit hole analogy!
  3. What's happening on ubot is it's in a continual loop looking at the database for any data. When it receives the data it saves it as a php file to my computer, then uploads it via FTP to my server. The rPI is continually looking for any changes to the php file and if it spots a change (different text than what was previously added) it will read it out.
  4. For those interested in seeing an integration in action, I've posted a video here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15407-ubot-and-the-real-world-part-ii/
  5. Hi all, Following on from this thread I decided to create a video of the whole setup of a Raspberry PI computer integrating with ubot - essentially bringing processed data from ubot (tweets, weather reports, #variables whatever!) and having those read out when they appear. So, to demonstrate this I used a web form, a php Mysql database and FTP along with a Raspberry PI with some text to speech code. In the video you will see me demonstrate the process without the need for a power supply tied to a wall socket (demonstrating portability), you'll also see the Wifi dongle is using a local wi
  6. I tried calling you this evening Jason but missed you. Here's something I have been using ubot with that "runs" from my iPhone. Scenario: I need to ring people from the USA regularly and also the uk and Australia. However, I am not always at my pc and dialling from my iPhone internationally (I'm in Europe) would cost me a lot. So, I integrate jotform and twilio in order to dial people I need to speak with on demand. How it works: I have a jotform with numbers in the drop down menu. I select the person I want to dial. I then submit. On the server ubot is running 24/7 and pick
  7. Inside your debugger window how many results are you seeing in there? The full 15k rows?
  8. I don believe the rPI will run windows based applications. I looked at it before and I recall it is an architecture limitation.
  9. Bump: folks I've just added a form to the bottom of the thread for you to see it working in real time. Ensure to enter the data correctly (email address) so as you receive the output in your inbox. Typically takes 30-60 seconds. Notice I have the redirect coming back to this page. If it were a membership site it could go there (which it does). Enjoy!
  10. Hey man, No ,not at all! I have one bot, ran in this same fashion, with over 2000 customers all using it. On the launch day I had the same bot running twice just to help with volume and tell folks there may be a slight delay due to volumes (said on the thank you page after submission) but really, I just use one now as the work flow has died down somewhat. So, one bot, lots of customers, one task done at a time. This works well as the tasks dont take long to complete anyway.
  11. Interesting. I looked at Belkin's WeMo but this looks more flexible. Thanks for that kev123
  12. Hey bud, if you check my signature I wrote a piece at the bottom of that thread that addresses the memory issues I had. Never had a problem running bots 24/7 using that method plus, using TJ's OS Commands plugin it helps even more.
  13. Hey Jay, I havent used Arduino, but the two devices aren't a whole lot different. As long as we can take in inputs from the environment (both can do this) then we just need to relay this information to a database, csv file, etc then ubot does the rest. My reason for using ubot - I've invested enough time into ubot to learn it that I'd sooner stick with this then go learning another host of code and syntax and languages!
  14. To give you an idea how I used this more recently (back in February I think) - I wanted to make a warning system for blind/partially blind people that would alert them if any natural disasters occured. The idea was to set up a warning system that would notify someone via raspberry PI that an earthquake over a certain magnitude happened - this way alerting them of the danger. I hooked up my raspberry pi to a portable speaker system and the PI was constantly checking a file to see if there was any text in it... if there was it would grab that text and read it out using a google voice widget
  15. Well if you can teach your dog to use a laptop then I guess anything's possible in this world!
  16. You know, as long as your software can read in information, you can pretty much do what you want with it. I've been thinking lately of some ways to integrate the environment around me, such as light intensity, temperature and noise and think of ways to integrate this into ubot. Sounds pretty weird, right? Well, think of this as an idea. Imagine you run a twitter account for your local town. You use it mainly to monitor the weather - particularly the temperature and moisture levels in the air. What if there was a way you could pull in the real world environment around you and input it int
  17. Cheers Rich, Took far longer to write it out than I'd thought, but it's there now for everyone.
  18. How to run software from an iPhone Ok folks, this is a complete walkthrough on how I set up my software so as people can run their services on their mobile devices whilst the bots run on my VPS or local pc and running 24/7. The end user, or customer, can access the software via a web form integration from their smart phone or any web browser that feeds the data into a MySQL database which the software will read the data from. Things I use: A jotform account (http://www.jotform.com and you can get a free account - not an affiliate link). Please note, I bought a jotform package on a "Black F
  19. You could post updates easily by changing user agent to iPhone and going in that way. I use it daily via that method.
  20. I do this for one of my bots. I found it works much easier to post by using the iPhone user agent though so if you're struggling try that to make your posts.
  21. Just thinking this out loud so it may not work. Scrape the entire text and add it to a list called %replacetext, so you have a list of items dozens of items long (assuming large page of text). Next, set list position to zero. Loop list total of %replacetext. Set some variable, lets call it #sentence, set it as next list item using %replacetext as the list. If #sentence contains (word you want to replace) then $replace and then stop script. So, it should replace whatever word you want replaced as long as it is found in just that list position. However, if that word appears
  22. You could do this very easily with ubot. Here's how I might do it: Store my data (urls*) inside a text file n my vps c drive. Set up a scheduled task to run between the hours of 9-5pm every hour. When the software runs at 9am it grabs the list of urls from the text file. It takes the fist URL in the list and posts that to a Facebook account and/or a twitter account or wherever you want. Then, remove that URL from the list. The next hour it will run the same thing again. *replace urls with whatever data you want.
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