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Everything posted by Kev

  1. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a plugin that would read and write to serial ports. That way I could send +5 V to a port and have it do something with the device attached to it. The possibilities to this are endless with what you could do with it, but right now I just want it
  2. Any way you can auto close it and pick up where you left off? Create a loop while in a multithreaded node and increment counter, wait xxx seconds, then when you reach your goal (e.g. 100 loops) shell out to a batch file and autorestart the exe and close the original. ^^This is exactly what I do for a lot of my tools.
  3. Hi all, Something strange happening this week. All my EXEs on my windows server 2008 VPS won't run... since the weekend all exes have stopped opening BUT looking in task manager I can see them in there, but running on like 12mb of ram rather than the usual 100 or so... Anyone experienced this? I rarely log into the server but when I did this was the situation... it's been restarted several times.
  4. I cancelled my W+ account and still have access... figured it wouldn't be a wise move to lock out affiliates if they didn't pay to play
  5. Rather than using Task Scheduler to start the .exe, have it start a batch file - .bat that contains the path to your exe and then /auto at the end. So for example: "C:\Path to your software" /auto
  6. Put your multithread code inside a Loop While > $exists =$true/$false and that should do it.
  7. It logs in via the browser. Never had a problem at all.
  8. Here are a few things I use ubot studio for that save me time and money: 1. Create Paypal buttons on the fly Say a customer wants a new subscription plan to one of my services, or wants to purchase something that I haven't set up a payment link for - I use ubot to create these buttons for me as I need them. Either one time, subscription, monthly, weekly etc. Saves logging in every time and with a list of "thank you pages" to select, I can always make sure they are sent the payment link that will also send them to the right thank you page upon purchase. 2. Auto update a Facebook page each
  9. I have software (made in ubot) that does exactly this. TJ made it for me a couple years ago. It changes user agent, looks for redirect, if detected assumed mobile responsive. (eg going from bbc.co.uk to m.bbc.co.uk). You could also try something like this: If you're not sure the site is responsive search the page for "Mobile" and "desktop" view. That might help determine whether it's responsive. Finally, you could also check to see if that symbol that's so common in responsive sites is present - it's a small square usually in the top left or right of the mobile browser that has three
  10. Looks good Aymen. Just on the datagrid reset any idea when you might have that part added? I'll pick it up when it's ready - I'm more interested in a general reset just like how Dan mentioned. It does look like another great plugin, thanks for developing it
  11. I always save my code to Dropbox regardless of what I'm working on, it always goes there. It saves a revision every time I press save plus I can check the Blue circle in my task bar to ensure it saves every time I press it.
  12. You would use the iPhone user agent Type user agent in the search bar in ubot... then look for iPhone. This will make Facebook think you are visiting their site from a mobile device. The layout will be different and easier to post text into.
  13. Looks great. Quick question and apologies if it's been answered already: Can this work inside v4?
  14. I post to facebook however I do it through an iPhone user agent. Try that it should do it for you.
  15. Ever get stuck rendering a video in Camtasia only to realise a) that you need to go out before it finishes and that you didn't set it to render into your dropbox folder and it will take hours to upload?! Having a poor upload speed can cripple your network during the day so if you are in a position that you're 70% of the way through your video rendering, use ubot to help you out... 1st - estimate how long left the video has to go (Camtasia 7 doesnt tell me this so I guess by timing how long it takes to do 0.5% then multply that out by the percentage left...) Open ubot and create a WAIT f
  16. I have a couple of ideas you could work around... Add a counter and increment every time. Count it till it gets to 100 then have it shell out to the same software but run it from a .bat file with /auto. 100 might be too much/little only you will know that. You could have it shut down after each time it processes what it's needed to do and then restart again afresh. Do it the same as above but without the counter. You could monitor the task scheduler to see how much memory is currently being used and if it's over a certain amount you could have it kill the software and start again - cd
  17. For those just starting out with ubot this quote I hope will give you some insight into how your mind may start to work once you grasp ubot and even 50% of its functionality. I'm no singer or dancer, but I can choreograph a pretty awesome software solution that will do all the singing and dancing I'll ever need, 24/7, 365 days of the week! My advice to those starting out right now: dedicate one whole hour every single day Monday through Friday on learning ubot. This is exactly what I did and it took me 4 months to get really good at it. I run a business that has currently 14 staff and Ubot
  18. I dont see why not. When you post your tweet why not send a broadcast email out to thr other users. Their bot is running 24/7 so constsntly checking for new mail. When it arrives the bot reads it and then does what you need them to do. You could also do it another way: send your tweet then upload html file to a webpage and have the other software constantly check that page/ $read file and compare if its different. If not loop wait 15 secs check again. If different then DO what you want it to do.
  19. I have an invoicing system that does something similar to what you described about downloading the pdf file. I'll take a look on my end. I am sure a dialogue box will appear though but TJ has a plugin for that which will bring it to front if I recall.
  20. The OP couldn't load a pdf in the browser. Sure he could of downloaded it but my interpretation of the post was he needed it loaded in a browser. Download file seemed too obvious didn't it?!
  21. Kev

    New Here

    I'm pretty pleased with this thread - it is my own but hey! Self praise is no praise!
  22. Ok I got the dark screen by browsing in through ubot's browser. However, I have managed to get a pdf to load inside ubot's browser, albeit via a non-traditional method and not sure whether it will be what's required. Ultimately I think it will need to go to an OCR site or some such, but, the PDF does load, as images but it loads ALL the pages contained inside the PDF. Here's the code: ui text box("URL to PDF", #pdfurl) navigate(#pdfurl, "Wait") navigate("http://view.samurajdata.se/", "Wait") change attribute(<url field>, "value", "http://{#pdfurl}") click($element offset(<name=
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