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Everything posted by dahid84

  1. Abbas786 i cant download from here http://bit.ly/2wqe3au i dont see files exe ( error)
  2. I have plugin in correct folder but get info... hardvare id has changed... please contack with suport ;/ I contact and no one response
  3. Hi what comend can remove from scrape element ? My scrape element look like this : Getry Blaugrana+9.8KondycjaKorki Nigerii+13.3SkutecznośćKoszulka USA+15.6Czytanie grySpodenki The Blues+18.8Czytanie gry But i need like this Getry BlaugranaKondycjaKorki NigeriiSkutecznośćKoszulka USACzytanie grySpodenki The BluesCzytanie gry
  4. I just install new ubot 5.9 and have problem with non-existent plugin: "The Ultimate Captcha Plugin won't run without a valid licensefile. Either a valid license file could not be found or your license file is expired" The problem is because this is a pure version of the uboot. I checked the folder C: \ Program Files (x86) \ UBot Studio 5 \ Plugins\ and there is no plugin Ultimate captcha. is there any other folder with plugins (hide)? any ideas for solving this problem I checked the folder C: \ Program Files (x86) \ UBot Studio 5 \ Plugins
  5. Can you tell me what i have to do now ? I have error "The Ultimate Captcha Plugin won't run without a valid licensefile. Either a valid license file could not be found or your license file is expired" i try send pm but i cant ;/ and this support@ultiamteubotplugin.com dosent work.. can you give me skype ?
  6. I just instaled ubot 6.v and i so unhappy ;/ Can you tell me how to back previous version ? Wher i can download old version ubot ?
  7. netflix can you help me to ; ) ? i send you my skype prv
  8. dahid84


    I try to write a bot for the instagram which will be likley. Unfortunately I have a problem can you help? loop(500) { navigate("https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bikini/","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "click mouse", "instagram* - UBot Studio Stealth Developer Edition", "HwndWrapper[uBot Studio.exe;;e979f643-70ab-4a44-91f4-b5903a775898]", 869, 528, "Left Click") wait(1) click(<class="_8scx2 coreSpriteHeartOpen">,"Left Click","No") wait(1) if($exists(<class="_8scx2 coreSpriteHea
  9. Hi, any one have idea how to download all pictures in big size from profile using ubot? Example this nice girl profile https://www.instagram.com/danilanio_/ i dont have idea how to find .jpg in big size ;/
  10. Link is dead, can you please re-upload?
  11. Where i can download ubot 4 install version ?
  12. How to find ID google or Site_Key to solve 2captcha ? I using Ultimate captcha plugin... I cant fing on the site.. is something like this ? https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?k=6Ld4Qy4UAAAAAAAcHst_Zr-P1E7JQzdLHwwadhaM&co=aHR0cHM6Ly9sb3RlcmlhY3J1bmNoaXBzLnBsOjQ0Mw..&hl=pl&v=r20170915175810&size=normal&cb=iwxus2qbdtfy
  13. any one can help me find ID google ? site_key ? please pw
  14. How to change/add footprints on the ubot ? What comment i have to use or plugin ?
  15. this is not captcha... is only look like captcha ;/ I need ocr stuff.. can you recomend good plugin ? or other tools ?
  16. if you copy and paste this link you see JPG.. and i need convert this jpg to txt
  17. Can you give me advise how to convert this 
  18. There is a lot of plugins to solve captcha but a lot of is old from 2015-2016. I need best plugin to solve captcha.. can you help me to choose the best and new one ?
  19. thx best suport in this forum ;]
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