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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Try this: navigate("https://jigsy.com/account/signup", "Wait") wait(3) click(<src="/themes/image_preview/{$rand(227, 235)}/preview_small.png">, "Double Click", "Yes") wait(3) click(<innertext="Click Here to Continue">, "Left Click", "No") John
  2. Hi and welcome...Yes you can, and there a couple of ways to do this...the easiest is probably to place a stop script command immediately after the command runs (that you want to test. Another way is to manually right click each node you want to test and choose"run node". You can also create custom commands (in the define node), drag in the command to run it, right click on that node and choose "run node" and it will run everything inside the define node. John
  3. In all seriousness, I came to Ubot with no knowledge and I learned a lot of things from a lot of people. For a small company (it was even smaller back then), to have access to so many people who not only know what they're doing, but are willing to help was amazing to me. I am sure I frustrated a lot of people...there was not ONE coding concept I understood out of the box...every command (except for navigate) had to be explained to me, and in many cases, more than once. I guarantee you, when you first start with UBot it "feels" WAY more complicated than it actually is. John
  4. That's correct. I apologize for not explaining. The UI HTML Panel is a dev license feature that allows you to completely customize the ui are using html. You can find a video on it in the tutorials area as well as the follow up video on learnubot.com; John
  5. You can't in the standard ui. Only in the ui html panel. John
  6. Did you search the board to find out exactly why and how to resolve it? If not, the thread is here: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7731-getting-errors-posting/ John
  7. Use: add list to list list from text (with $new line as the delimeter) John
  8. I have searched for your email and username and have been unable to locate anything indicating you are a member(doesn't mean you're not, it just means I can't find you with the information I have). You will need to provide one of those two things for me to be able to lift the restrictions. There is also no ticket requesting it either. We have Livechat, a toll free number, support tickets and the forum (as well as hundreds of members on Skype including me-my username is in my profile) There are more than enough ways for you to contact someone and have this taken care of. Whether or not yo
  9. The connector is $new line
  10. I am just guessing, but I think the amount of time is largely due to the loading of the table, but 20 minutes is absurd. I load a 70k row table in about 2-3 minutes. Looping through the table and adding to the list should only take seconds. If your table only has the pne column (I don't know of it does or doesn't), try using $read file instead to fill the form field. John
  11. Run the loop to add the keywords to a list instead. Then you can fill the form field with $text from list command. John
  12. JohnB

    optgroup label

    Duane, did you watch my video? They do not work in dropdowns, only in listboxes. John
  13. For debugging purposes? I mean you could throw in a bunch of if/else statements throughout the custom node and have them check to see if a certain variable = true (or whatever you want). If it equals true then pause script. Add a button to your ui that sets the variable to true. After every pause script in the custom node, have it set the variable to false. John
  14. Yes...you need to put a "reset data" node in your loop. John
  15. I think the bigger question is how do you know which sites allow what number of links? I am assuming you are talking about links in the resource box, but I am not sure. If you are talking about the body of the article, I would probably set three variables, #bodywith3links, #bodywith2links and #bodywith1link. it would be just as easy as trying to do a replace using regex, especially if you are responding to an error message on the submission page (i.e. "Error: your article has too many links") John
  16. Can you provide some examples of images that are not showing for you? (urls, etc) Also, not all captchas require everything you see. For example, recaptcha only requires the "blurry" word out of the two (test it...you can solve recaptcha by just submitting one of the two words captcha services generally know what the minimum submission requirement is...remember, there are people at the other end typing in the solutions. John
  17. Have a look here: http://screencast.com/t/0Ns5b3U0YAz John
  18. That's exactly right...there were times I would figure out something like filling a form field, but it felt like I invented sliced bread! lol John
  19. Ok, take a look at this and see if you have any questions up to this point...I have the stop script in there for coding purposes...it won't be there in the end. Maricopa.ubot
  20. Oh disregard the request, I see you already posted it...be back with more info soon... John
  21. Ok, I will need a subdivision name to enter in the text box...But I want to show you how to condense the code into two nodes. For this site, and what you want to do, you can navigate directly to step 3 without the need to click the two prior links. Use this as your url to navigate to: http://mcassessor.maricopa.gov/Assessor/ParcelApplication/Default.aspx John
  22. Hi Lonnie...I am taking a look at the site now... John
  23. Hi surf... I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to NOT think of UBot in terms of how much there is to learn, but rather what it is YOU need to learn to get started. I was able to take ZERO experience, knowledge and coding ability and master UBot in very short order. This is EXACTLY how I did it: At the time (three years ago) there were no pdf's, knowledgebase, etc...there were a few videos and the forum. SO... I decided on a single, simple project to learn with (like...register, log in and do something on a single site)... I approached my automation project with a "manua
  24. Right...what Duane is saying is you have specific sites your are navigating to. How many sites are you navigating to, and are they all hard coded? John
  25. I have no idea...perhaps someone else here has worked with Twitter... John
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