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About Mrcrix

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    Windows 7
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    v3.5 & v4.0
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  1. Is there anyone still using Ubot for scraping bots? If yes I need a developer to develop a simple bot... since it is long time I dont use ubot I dont remember how to make it myself, if anyone available please contact me!
  2. Here too the same thing, no way to start Ubot
  3. Anyone know a work around to solve a NoCaptcha with images? Ubot crashes if I use "solve click captcha" and I'm again stuck with the bot I working on...
  4. I'm not sure if this can be done... I have an UI HTML panel width some inputs like <input id="id1" variable="#var1" filwith="value"> in the same panel there is even a jquery code which dynamically will change the value of "id1", the script change correctly the input and the new value is visible for half second but after that the input come back to the original value, in the debugger the variable doesn't change at all. Is there a way to change dynamically the value of a variable in UI html panel using javascript or jquery?
  5. Hi deliter thank you again!! I tried to use the FileReader API , it does work on an html ( http://jsfiddle.net/LvsYc/ ) file but it doesn't work on ubot, I tried with "load html" and with "UI html panel" but nothing to do... I saw the plugin, it does many things and it is a good plugin for sure but quite expensive just to pic a file I think I should move everything on UI HTML PANEL and use UI OPEN FILE... Thank you anyway!
  6. I'm doing a bot where based on interfaces created with "load HTML" , now I need to select one local file to be uploaded, the problem is that the HTML doesn't allow to get the full path of the file so I'm looking for a workaround without to use "ui html" but the simple "load html", I like to use a single tab and change the interfaces on the fly... Someone know how this could be done? I tried to use "ui open file" in "ui html" it works giving the full path but... I cannot find the way to show again the selected file when I come back in the same tab, is there a way to have the "ui open file"
  7. Hi deliter, yes the way you suggested is a good starting point, supposing the value stay in the same position but what to do if I chose 5 rooms and I have this 2 selectors <select><option="">Chose how many rooms</option><option value="single room">single room</option><option value="double room">double room</option><option value="triple room">triple room</option><option value="four places room">four places room</option><option value="five places room">five places room</option></select> <select><opti
  8. I've just made the update and now it is working! Thank you!!
  9. Hi Varo, did it work for you? I tried but it doesn't work, it's the same way I tried (see the last line) just using "id" instead of "name" but it's not working... on my side even the demo script for "change file field" is not working navigate("http://cgi-lib.berkeley.edu/ex/fup.html","Wait") change file field(<name="upfile">,"D:\\MyFOLDER\\MyFile.png")
  10. Hello, I'm looking for suggestions on how to upload some pictures in this website, I add the script to get directly to the point where to upload the image. I tried using "change file field" but it has no effect at all, trying to click on the button it makes the file selector to open but at that point I don't have any way to interact and chose the image file too upload. Thank you in advance to everyone who will spend some time on it! navigate("http://www.clickcase.it/annuncio","Wait") wait(2) wait for element(<name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$cmbContratto">,"","Appear")
  11. Hello everyone, I'm trying to understand is possible to fill different html select having the same tipology of arguments but with values described in different ways, for example I have 2 forms in 2 different websites where the bot should book some rooms, in the bot interface the user can chose how many rooms to book, let me say the user chose to book 5 rooms, now the bot goes in the first website and find this selector: Fist select in first website: <select> <option value="1room">1 room</option> <option value="2rooms">2 rooms</option> <option value="
  12. Hi, I'm trying to connect to a DB on my host, the connection is successful but when I run "query with result" it doesn't give any result, the same query on myadmin is working normally and give the result. I tried to run a wrong query and I get the correct error message so it seems to be correct, I cannot understand why I don't get any result, here the very simple code I used: define prendiLocalita { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "mysql:server=\'mysql.us.cloudlogin.co\';uid=\'MY_ID\'; pwd=\'MY_PASS\'; database=\'MY_DB_NAME\'; port=\'\'; pooling=false") {
  13. Great! it works with pash code. Deliter, I would like to give a try to your plugin but I couldn't find it, where should I download it? Thank you for your help!!
  14. Hello! Could anyone help me to scrape an html <select>? In a page I have some html <select>, I need to scrape the innertext of each option for a particular select, I know how to select the correct one but I cant find the way to scrape each option... Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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