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Everything posted by meter

  1. Thanks kev, I might hit you up for that code in the future Visual Studio C++ 2010 redistributable is a requirement for Ubot yes, not necessarily UbotLocker. Still, all modern PCs should have it installed, since so much software depends on it. -meter
  2. Here is tentative feature list: - Add date of when license was added to database. - last access data, last access ip, and last access verion added to licenses. - smtp mailing - https support - changelog window on update - option for mutex that only lets one bot run at a time. I also have additional security features planned which might break backward compatibility. I am still not sure how to work them in. I am also waiting for new Ubot version to be released, since there might be major changes there.
  3. Sorry to hear that h.talei. A few questions: Was it Ubot exe that was protected, or non Ubot exe? Did you give him a valid license file? Was he only able to crack the bot, or able to crack and decompile it as well? Also, any chance you could send me cracked bot via PM, so I can see what he did? -meter
  4. Hi rodvaN, For now, this isn't supported. It takes a lot of work to port over to non Ubot apps, it's not something where you can simply write a wrapper and be done. -meter
  5. Any version should work. I need to check into the problems Kreatus was having tho. -meter
  6. Hi Kreatus, I'm not sure why that happens. It's complaining that it can't use the $_SESSION variable, but by default that's on in PHP. Are you using an old WAMP server? -meter
  7. It's high on my priority list but I don't know if I'll get to it. Sorry you got list in the shuffle :< Package sent. Hi Kreatus, UbotLocker doesn't use case_id variable, so it will be unaffected by this change. In fact, I don't see them sending this variable right now at all. After July 15, according to their documentation here, UbotLocker should be able to automatically detect and block licenses under dispute, so that's good news https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNandPDTVariables/ We'll see when they release the feature. -meter
  8. Yeah UbotLocker is encrypted with Themida, and antiviruses don't like that Please try setting an exclusion for the file. -meter
  9. Hey TJ, I'm at Electric Forest, I think that's around Rothbury, which is a bit North of Muskegon Holler if you're in the area as well -meter
  10. Just a reminder to everyone, I will be camping in West Michigan for the next 5 days, and will be MIA until Tuesday June 30! -meter
  11. Hi cyber_junkie, iirc you should be able to edit activations without any problems! -meter
  12. Look into working with sqlite databases. For graphing, look into d3.js.
  13. Hi ewideweb. 1) You cannot explicitly make a product stop working in 6 months. You could, however, delete the project in Ubotlocker for that product in 6 months. That would disable everyone's access to the product. 2) Paypal sends an IPN not only when someone starts paying, but also every time they pay, then they stop paying, when they cancel their subscription, and when their subscription ends. UbotLocker disable the license when Paypal IPN notifies it that subscription has ended. The exact license message is "subscr_failed" OR "subscr_eot". -meter
  14. Such a thing is possible, but complicated and clunky. iirc it's possible to make a Ubot plugin run uscript using ubotStudio.RunScript() in C#. So what you do is create Ubot plugin which acts as a server, and listens for commands. Then you can send commands to this server from your own C# program. The plugin can then read the commands, and execute the corresponding uscript. -meter
  15. SHA-256 is just a hash function. This means it can only hash the value you give it, and it is impossible to reverse (decrypt). You can find various explanations for this by googling 'hashing vs encrypting'. Also, Ubot devs should probably change function parameter: Sha256 $Encrypt => Sha256 $Data , since you're hashing data usually, not encrypting it. -meter
  16. Hey dude, I'm migrating my license server to new hardware. Should be done in a few hours!
  17. Hi giganut, Sorry about that, my license server was done today due to faulty hardware. I have since fixed it and it should work now. I will be migrating to new hardware in the next 48 hours. -meter
  18. Hey Kev, These things are still at least 30 days from being released. -meter
  19. May 23 - May 30 2015 I will be in China, and I might not have internet access. Will be back online on May 31 2015! -meter
  20. However many the shared host allows! This isn't up to UbotLocker. -meter
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