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Everything posted by meter

  1. Ah finally, spent 4 hours on this fucking shit. On the obesityblog, when you are at the blog execute this javascript: javascript: void(FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('post').SetHTML("Hello world<br>I hate this shit"));alert('hi') And it will change the text of the textbox to: Hello world I hate this shit Here is the ubot code for editting the fckeditor window in the sample site: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/145/45322643.jpg In order for it to work the page must be COMPLETELY DONE loading. Furthermore, in order to get this javascript to work on other sites with fckeditor, you n
  2. Spent an hour fiddling around with it to no avail
  3. I can do it in C#. First scrape all the text on the page. Then use the following code to extract all the sentences from the text you scraped: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/SentenceParsingAndStatics.aspx Then loop through each sentence and check if it contains your keyword. If it does, that's the sentence you want.
  4. I don't get it. Why would you need keystrokes? =/
  5. You can scrape the categories of the site using: PAGE SCRAPE "<OPTION label" "</OPTION>". Then you can take a list of comma separated keywords inputted by the user(home,cooking,clothing). Check if one of the categories has in its name one of the keywords entered by the user. If it does then scrape the value for that category, and set the CATEGORY_ID elements value to that value. tada. Just make sure the user enters a keyword which is present in the dropdown list. Do I need to make an example?
  6. I'm in the process of finishing up a bot like this for personal use. Depending on demand I could sell it...
  7. VB.net I can do. If its compiled I can decompile it. Program sounds easy to make anyways,
  8. The Gogetta script will work fine, I just find that google bans me if I navigate directly to a search URL when I'm doing a lot of scraping (ie looking for Wordpress blogs). Using random delays and actually clicking the next button appears to let me scrape a lot more off one IP.
  9. You can select by outerhtml, but I think it changes randomly. In a bot I coded I scraped the outerhtml of the button via "Page scrape", and then did "Choose by attribute <scrapedOuterHtml>". Works fine.
  10. In that case, Only thing I can think of is have a bat to change the Useragent and then start the Ubot. Not a neat way to do it I'll dig into it further if I get the time.
  11. Just use SHELL command to change UserAgent... http://www.walkernews.net/2007/07/05/how-to-change-user-agent-string/
  12. smallballz, check out using Regex with Javascript.
  13. If it only works on specified extracts, you could have a LOOP for $list total of the list with scraped items. The LOOP would do NEXT LIST ITEM and set each nextlistitem to a variable. You could then remove the <P> from that variable and then add it to another list, called ProcessedList. Just the way I would do it. Well, the way I would do it is I would write a C# program to do it -meter
  14. Usually you want to scrape the URL of the window the button is popping up and then use the Nav command to nav to it.
  15. Cheers, useful for people running bots from home
  16. New version. This one clicks the twitter activation link no matter which message it is in the Inbox. And that's that for me tonight. hushmail.ubot
  17. Rofl I don't think you could have picked a harder website to write an email activation bot for. I *only* had to navigate a half dozen iframes, session IDs, glitchy interfaces, and god knows what else. Anyways, here it is PS It assumes that the activation email is the second message in the inbox. hushmail.ubot
  18. Weee Ubot throws an exception when I try to choose by attribute on the Subject line of an email listed in the inbox of hushmail.com.
  19. Ahhh Hushmail. I remember giving up on this on my first day with Ubot. Time to take another crack at those bastards
  20. This should scrape the first 3 values: ($163,816 $35,100 $198,916) http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/4122/43402642.jpg
  21. I might be going to Yunnan later this year. Still haven't decided. Seems a bit of a trip just to get some opium:) Take care!
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