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Everything posted by Cnotey

  1. Yea I'm quite upset about this. I'm done opening support tickets. I thought it was just my system, so I installed on my son's laptop. Didn't work either. So I figure, well maybe it's just Ubot studio, compiled bots might be another story. Compiled bots don't seem to work well either. Crash in about 5 minutes. I've already started re-coding my entire project in C#. I don't know if I'll use Ubot anymore. Shame.
  2. Well, when I read this thread I thought, yay all of my problems are solved!! Then I go to install the packages listed in the OP. Looks like I already have them installed Back to the frustration of working with Ubot.
  3. What I am trying to get around is this: http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo
  4. Yea I thought about using that logic. But can you click on things while before you click the alert OK button? I need to manually solve the recaptcha before I continue the script. It's been my previous experience you can't interact with the browser while the alert window is active. Edit: Just tested it and I was correct. You cannot interact with a browser window while the alert prompt is open.
  5. Hi there, So I'm working with a site that uses Google's new recaptcha. I don't always get hit with it. But I was wondering if there is a way to have a define command stop if it detects (element) for the recaptcha, let me pick the pictures, and then click a button to continue the script? I have been successful in making it wait for the checkbox to be checked, but I can't seem to interact with the browser while it's waiting. Does anyone have a way to solve this? Thanks, Cnotey
  6. I have further nailed down the exact issue that is causing the crash. The crash is being caused using Chrome 39 when using the element selector "<>". If I use the element selector, select an element and then try and re-select another element, it crashes. Pretty much making Ubot un-usable for me. Hopefully we can see a fix in the next revision. Thanks, Cnotey
  7. I'm getting hammered with the new recaptcha as well. Select 3 images that look contain street signs or whatever. The old fix of switching user agent to Android and refreshing 3 times is not getting through it anymore. Becoming a big issue.
  8. Sorry I forgot about this thread. The issue still appears to be tied to Chrome 39. I set it back to Chrome 21 and it fixed which is why I forgot about the thread. Which was a previous fix a few revisions ago to get around another issue! However, I should note that a lot of websites aren't working with Chrome 21 so this isn't really a viable fix anymore.
  9. Have we come up with a solution to this yet? It's becoming a serious issue.....
  10. Ok, so I'm submitting this here because it's obviously not a bug. A little about my system: Windows 10 x64 AMD 8350 @ 4.6 ghz oc'd OCZ razor 16gb ram Ubot Developer Using Chrome 39 in Ubot So I guess I'm just checking in with my peers to see if I'm the only one with this issue. Working on project, my Ubot will crash at a minimum once every 15-20 minutes. Usually when going into node mode to set an attribute to scrape, but that's not the only time. Seriously, WTF? I learned how to program about a year ago in C# and Golang. But I continue to use Ubot for most bots because it's simpl
  11. Yea, I don't know about you guys but sometimes I have some crazy tables with 10+ columns in them. Splitting into lists is not an option. Especially when running through 10k+ rows, I want to make sure my data doesn't get mix-and-matched. But thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Hi there, I am wondering what everyone else is doing to cycle through rows of a table with the new thread spawn command? For instance, if you have a table which has a username and password. How are you handling this with the Thread Spawn command? It's not clear to me how the command works behind the scenes to know when to increment the #position variable for table rows. Any insight anyone can offer would be great. Thanks, Cnotey
  13. Yea there appears to be a slew of problems. As is the case with any software release with major upgrades. I'm going to switch back to 5.7 for now until the issues are resolved.
  14. Hey there, Since the 5.9 update, I can't seem to get anything to work in new browser using the new thread spawn command. Not sure if this is a bug, or some new procedure I'm not aware of? ui block text("TickersYo",#TickersYo) set(#Position,0,"Global") add list to list(%TickerList,$list from text(#TickersYo,$new line),"Delete","Global") thread spawn($list total(%TickerList),30) { in new browser { allow javascript("Yes") Finance Process() } } define Finance Process { navigate("https://www.google.com/finance?q={$next list item(%TickerList)}","Wait") wait for b
  15. Ah I didn't notice that. Yes it does work! Thank you so much!
  16. Here's my output so far. I still need to average the values, but I think I am going the right direction. http://i.imgur.com/aeftnbl.png
  17. Hah, holy shit I guess I never knew about the $tablesearch command. That one must be new to Ubot 5!!! Thanks Deliter, saved me again. I ended up figuring it out on my own before I looked at the responses here, but my solution is much sloppier than what you posted. *******EDIT************************************************************************************* Actually table search did not do what I needed exactly. I need to return the values, not the row/column index. This code runs through the first list with deleted dupes, and compares to the list without deleted dupes. Then a
  18. Hi, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around something and need some help. I'm trying to go through a table, and find the duplicate values of one column, and average the values from the column to the right for all of the duplicates. For instance: Column 1 | Column 2 9/28/2015| 100 9/28/2015| 86 9/28/2015| 76 9/29/2015| 50 9/29/2015| 15 9/30/2015| 45 I want to cycle through Column #1, and find all of the rows that have the same date, and average the values from Column #2 This is the result I want: Column 1 | Column 2 9/28/2015| 83.55 9/29/2015| 32 9/30/2015| 45 Anyone ha
  19. Yea I think UI HTML Panel is dev only. But thank you! It appears to work OK. You have helped me find a small caveat with Ubot Dev that might be why I was so stumped. It seems for some reason you can only input a Ubot variable into HTML from the code view, not from node view. Good to know!
  20. Maybe this helps explain I need the JS to execute inside the greyed out DIV on the bottom right.
  21. deliter thanks for working with me. Please forgive my ignorance. The way I have it set up is I have a UI HTML panel, which includes the code provided in the OP inside of a DIV. I need to add the X,Y variables at runtime to modify the chart with my own data.
  22. Thanks for the reply guys, but I think I am still missing a piece. I see how to set a variable in JS, but how do I pass that variable to the HTML markup? Thanks, Cnotey
  23. Hey BotGuru, Thanks for the reply. Sorry I should have been more clear. The HTML elements I want to change are within a UI HTML panel that I have created. Basically, I scrape the web for some data, and I am trying to make a graph with the above code using the data that I have scraped. So I need to scrape variables. Then set the elements of the graph with the variable data. Does that make sense?
  24. Hi there, I have been searching for over a week now for an answer to my question, and I just can't find anything that works. I think it's pretty simple what I want to do. I want to set a javascript variable as a variable that I set in Ubot. So I want to: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawTrendlines); function drawTrendlines() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('number', 'X'); data.addColumn('number', <I WANT
  25. So there is no way just to add them to the private bot bank? I wouldn't want all of my stuff in the public bank. Also, I only have the standard version, works fine for my uses. So I don't have code view. I don't think I can copy paste with standard version, can I?
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