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Everything posted by iDollarsteam

  1. I have found the answer I think... I restarted the bot as admin...and it worked...
  2. meter, why do I get this message: "Invalid license. Allowed number of activation exceeded" ? I have only 5 licenses active on this project and it worked yesterday when I have had only 3 active ... what is going on? I want to sell this bot so there will be at least 50 licenses active for this project.
  3. why delete the cookies? why not store them to be able to load them later and use them with another request?
  4. I'm not happy with Ubot5 yet but I'll do some simple bots with it soon so send me the update for ubot 5.01, this will still work with ubot4 and with .net bots?
  5. yes, but how do you change the proxy when you change the account? If I want to make just one login for one account from my home IP I don't need automation...
  6. try this : clear list(%time) navigate("https://www.google.ro/search?q=open+source+site:youtube.com&tbs=qdr:d&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.O2lQuQLBa4Q.O#q=open+source+site:youtube.com&start=30&tbs=qdr:d", "Wait") wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "") set(#page, $document text, "Global") add list to list(%time, $find regular expression(#page, "(?<=class=\"f)[\\w\\W]*?ago"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") set list position(%time, 0) clear list(%time1) loop($list total(%time)) { set(#element, $next list item(%time), "Global") if($contains(#element, "slp\">"
  7. then this feature is useless you can't do anything serious on Google or any big site without proxy support ... just a toy for kids who think that web automation is scraping some pages
  8. No problem bro, Aymen helped me with some advices for a great obfuscator tool so I'll use your system, this way I'll have my Ubot bots protected and with a lic system in place and also my VB.NET bots protected and using the same lic system
  9. Anyway, the $getcookies function don't return any cookies and I don't see any way to use proxies ... without a working cookie manipulation system and with no proxy support this awesome new feature of ubot is useless
  10. I needed to remove ALL my plugins, removing the HTTP plugin from Aymen just make the socket give me a different error message
  11. Try to see the POST API from the captcha service and see the requests, I use it in my .NET bots and it should be easy to use here to (after scrapping the challenge and all other parameters that you may need). Downloading the image may trigger the captcha refresh on some sites (like Hotmail) and the response you send back will be wrong every time! Use the socket navigate command with POST to send the parameters to the captcha service and get the response back! You will no longer use the built in captcha settings from ubot, you will have to make your own settings inerface for pass and user in th
  12. I have seen that I have now sockets in v 4 too but I get this error: http://prntscr.com/1x8lx7 I'll try to disable Aymens plugin
  13. Is like using HTTP request But I have a problem: the code does nothing on my computer, I have Ubot5 dev but the socket commands and functions don't return any results (from get or post and no html content or cookies). Anyone having this problem? Ubot is executing every command, I see it executing command after command in the socket container but nothing happen and load html loads nothing (if I put the $sockethtml in a variable then the variable returns empty in debugger ) I have tried with many URL's to GET the page and nothing...
  14. Hi Meter, I want to use your solution for both the Ubot made bots and VB.NET made bots. For VB.NET if I obfuscate the code with the obfuscators that you recommended or the one offered in Visual Studio and I use your solution it will be enough as cracker protection ? (I would use the Confuser you recommended but I get an error when I try to use it and it seem that many reported this bug but no one is answering on the project page)
  15. you can't send HTTP requests using the socket command as far as I know
  16. you have the "$both" parameter in your ubot use that in the if command
  17. Does anyone have problems with the login in Ubot this morning? I have tried to open Ubot few minutes ago and the response was: "Unable to connect to license server. The remote name could not be resolved: 'secure2.ubotstudio.com'" ... I have tried to login to my account to submit a ticket using the browser but when I hit login the browser can't find the login page (is like the login part of the site is missing and the browser can't resolve the url) ... Is there something wrong with their servers?
  18. well ... we have the same kind of humor here... but I did not watched the "news" in the last days so I didn't know if the "shut down" part was real or just another rumor ... I wonder how did they explain this and if the common people was expecting this ... coz if the people did not expect this then the national guard and army mobilization orders and all the disaster prep that leaked in to the press in the last month make sens : you have guns to defend your rights ) and enough people ready to use them ) About V5 - I send them a message on Facebook and they responded me that they will send
  19. I can't see the "US gov connection" ) even if it is a joke ... is something happening on your side of the ocean guys? ) I have heard that your gov ordered huge stockpile of "disaster food" for Oct. and that they issued orders for the military and national guard to be in alert but I see it more like a joke ... it actually happening out there?
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