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Twitter Dominator

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Twitter Dominator

  1. im sure if we knew which site and page it was actually trying to scrape we could help more
  2. build it in modules work on one part test it and save that as a part module then when you completed all the pieces then start to add them together and test with 2 tabs and when you compile them to one delete second tab and integrate it all into one and save as a txt file from code view as well because we know how ubot likes to change certain things that way you don't have to pull out your hair if you have to rebuild a certain part or module that's the way i do it anyway Lets you bug test and build on top of each other as you get parts completed and isn't such a load on ubot but for a
  3. seen that on a few sites you might want to try to add between these lines click($element offset(<tagname="span">, 6), "Left Click", "No") wait(some element of the page that is visible) $exists wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait(3)
  4. or right through for you set user agent("iPhone") navigate("https://pinterest.com/join/register/", "Wait") type text($element offset(<username field>, 0), $account data("Username"), "Standard") type text(<email field>, $account data("Email"), "Standard") type text(<password field>, $account data("Password"), "Standard") type text($element offset(<first name field>, 0), $account data("First Name"), "Standard") type text(<last name field>, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard") change dropdown(<sex dropdown>, "Random - Skip First Choice") click(<create
  5. you could try this it works set user agent("iPhone") navigate("https://pinterest.com/join/register/", "Wait") type text($element offset(<username field>, 0), $account data("Username"), "Standard") type text(<email field>, $account data("Email"), "Standard") type text(<password field>, $account data("Password"), "Standard") type text($element offset(<first name field>, 0), $account data("First Name"), "Standard") type text(<last name field>, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard") change dropdown(<sex dropdown>, "Random - Skip First Choice") click(<crea
  6. ya even with proxies, seems ok now possibly a recaptcha glitch
  7. anyone tried this recently https://www.linkedin.com/reg/captcha-submithere is one example even if you type this in by hand it will not let you pass it and always gives you a failed captcha, is google stealing our captcha credits when we use ubot cant they detect ubot and circumvent the process?
  8. Scrape YouTube Title and Link from within YouTube video manager how could i get this done? seems a element offset would prob be used but everything i tried so far only nets me top 10 or 11 maximum and that's only ifi use focus to scroll down the page how can i scrape them all on that page? Heres what i got so far for it ui text box("Youtube Username", #you_name) ui text box("Youtube Password", #you_pass) ui text box("Youtube/Gmail/Google Email", #you_gmail) define youtube_login { navigate("https://www.youtube.com/", "Wait") change attribute(<email field>, "value", #you_g
  9. how to add private proxy support with auto option if no file selected then dont use proxies
  10. very cool to have the code generated such as this thanks for the contribution great job Darryl
  11. css3 buttons and how to make them work in html ui? made some css3 buttons but now they don't seem to run the script is there a trick to that or cant we do that yet?
  12. seems he already owns it but your right, your imagination, the net trends , and the sky are the only limits ( well and ubot bugs once in a while lol ) but if you can dream or think it is possible to build it
  13. i thought the credits was over he sent out a email 6 months ago saying that the limits were removed and i believe you can get an api from him
  14. nice, didnt think i was the only one who wanted a better search option
  15. i made a bot exactly for this search feature if anyone wants it you can get it here: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12504-replacement-for-ubot-forum-search/
  16. Replacement For Ubot Forum Search I have always hated the way the forum didn't let you search correctly so i made a search bot i see others are having a hard time searching too especially newbies that are just new here so here is a free ubot search bot that will search Google and the ubot forums for related information to what your looking for far faster then the ubot forums search menu I was told were not allowed to share the bot built with ubot ( how weird is that .... anyway whatever ) if anyone wants it, PM me and let me know i will send you one will make your searching the for
  17. guess that means you need to do more work then cause if we still have to ask for basic stuff that should be in there already , and you don't want to be bugged about it then get on it bro, get those common software application feature requests handled asap and then we wont have to bug ya every month when you come on ;-) haha jk lets hope the interface project doesn't take forever, i mean we all lived through the end of the world scare but do we have to wait for another one to get what we need? i think not ;-) anyhoo good to see you on again Seth
  18. and if Seth makes the html ui more flexible and workable it will be even better ;-) hint hint seth ;-)
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