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Everything posted by TheBigWeb

  1. Hi guys, it's my birthday this weekend. To celebrate I'm offering 40% off for this weekend only Use coupon code WEEKEND
  2. Hi Dan, Apologies you have waited 8 days for the latest version that you purchased a while ago. I have been on holiday since the last pm where I tried emaimg you but for some reason it was bouncing back. I will send via the link you sent me. I will get this done when I'm back a work tomorrow. For everyone else, you will receive the source automatically when you purchase. This was a seperate issue. Hi Frank, thanks for be purchase. I will give you a detailed response tomorrow. Night guys
  3. Thanks for the reply. Will we receive the new table creator for free? (only just purchased). Thanks.
  4. Hi there, Just purchased. Does the code need to be in the loop as generated? Also, can we remove the default 'ID' field? Is it possible to change the row color depending on the value of a cell? Many thanks,
  5. I just wanted to leave some feedback on this thread. I took up the offer to JV with Cliff and I have to say it was a very wise decision. Cliff started promoting 301 Nuke yesterday and within minutes of him mailing his list the sales poured in. I literally had one every few minutes at one point. Cliff's communication throughout the whole process was excellent and I will definitely be partnering up with him again in future.
  6. The price of the V1.4 source code has been reduced to $77. This includes a full license for the commercial 2.0 product. The price will remain at this price point
  7. Hi Guys, Just a quick question. For those with the professional edition of UBot Studio, are you able to open bots that have the 'UI HTML' command / node? I'm guessing you can but it cannot be edited? Please can someone confirm? Thanks
  8. Hi Everyone, I am the developer for the commercially successful 301 Nuke. If you would like a bot developing no matter how big or small then please send me a PM. Look forward to working with you. Here is a sample of my work: - Commercial bot - www.301Nuke.com Source Code for 301 Nuke V1.4
  9. Hi guys, I added this as a feature request but just wanted to check if you guys have the same thing and it's not just my setup? When I use the include command and then compile the main bot the included .ubot file is not compiled into the main .exe. I don't want to have to distribute my .ubot files with the core code along side my .exe file. Anyone else get this?
  10. Due to popular demand I have released version 1.4 which includes 301 Tiers. The code also includes a full walk-through PDF guide. The new sales thread is below: - **** If you have already purchased V1.3 you will receive the latest code for free. Please PM me **** VISIT THE NEW SALES THREAD BELOW http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18167-sell-301-nuke-v14-full-source-code-commercial-product-mid-5-figure-revenue/
  11. Hi stanf, there should be a JVzoo buy now button somewhere. Not tried through mobile to be honest.
  12. To celebrate the release of 301 Nuke Version 2, there is a 40% discount for the next 10 purchasers. Coupon code GIMMEDISCOUNT. HURRY, 3 ALREADY GONE IN THE LAST 10 MINUTES. BUY 301 NUKE VERSION 2 HERE
  13. Version 2.0 has been released last night. Existing users will be upgraded automatically http://forum.gsa-online.de/resources/emoji/smile.png Here are the new features: - 1) New cleaner interface 2) Proxy Support + Proxy Checker 3) 301 Alive Checker - Bulk check your created 301 redirects 4) Tiered mode now allows you to create up to 5 supporting tiers + your 1st tier (that's 6 tiers). http://forum.gsa-online.de/resources/emoji/wink.png 6) New TieredX mpde. This is a super powerful tier that powers up your 1st tier. 7) Tiered & TieredX mode allows you to choose between 5,10 & 15 301's
  14. Firstly great software. Please can I request the following features as it would make my life much easier 1) Be able to add 'readony' attributes to controls such as TEXAREA etc. I'm having to do this manually every time I update the UI 2) Add CSS properties to a control such as background property etc 3) Snap to grid system Thanks again!
  15. Hi Guys, I am currently coding a checker which will allow you to keep track / remove dead links. I am also considering adding a Captcha service too. Stay tuned.
  16. Article Mashup - Generate Unlimited Articles! Create Unlimited Articles for your Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3 Web Properties! Article Mashup allows you to take an article from the Web and generate unlimited combinations to be used on you Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3 Web properties. You no-longer need to spend all your time writing content! FEATURES AT A GLANCE Random sentence generation - Create unique content Random Punctuation - Add additional uniqueness to sentences Random Paragraph Generation - Another layer of randomness Randomize Anchor Text - Specify multiple anchor
  17. That function changes all the words first letters to uppercase. The function I did above does the first character of the sentence / string (not each word). If that makes sense. 'this string becomes' - 'This String Becomes' - UBot Function 'this string becomes' - 'This string becomes' - My function above.
  18. Maybe load the file into a list then loop 10 times and save the list to a file on every loop with a different filename?
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