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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Bill

  1. This works for me. set(#urls, "siite0.com siite0s.com 564-site.aol google.com site-2.com site-three.com siiste0.com 564-site.aol kdh.com site-22.com site-three.com 1siTe.com abc.com ab2c.com a1a.com a1a-az.com abc.com/33 asfdadfs.com afaf43asv.com 12a.com 123.com afdr.com rty.com/67 ", "Global") alert(#urls) clear list(%new_urls) add list to list(%new_urls, $list from text($replace regular expression(#urls, ".*[0-9]\\\\..*|.*-.*|.*-.*|\\d.*|.*\\d.*", $nothing), $new line), "Delete", "Global") alert(%new_urls)
  2. cmmorris1 And for urls, how can I use the datagrid context menu to open say a url in the list? plugin command("DataGridUI.dll", "datagrid contextmenu add", "Open URL", "", "") plugin command("DataGridUI.dll", "datagrid contextmenu add", "Open URL", "open_website()", "") define open_website { shell("cmd.exe /c start {$plugin function("DataGridUI.dll", "$datagridUI get value", $plugin function("DataGridUI.dll", "$datagridUI selected index"), "URLS")}") }
  3. I'm pleased with the Regex Course it's broken in easy to understand logic. Makes it easy to scrape some of the difficult pages.
  4. I'm not sure if your looking for just one list. In this example I added another list "time3" Is this what your looking for? navigate("https://www.google.com/#q=open+source+site:youtube.com&tbs=qdr:d", "Wait") wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "") add list to list(%time, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"f slp\">*</div>">, "innertext"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") add list to list(%time2, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<span class=\"f\">*</span>">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%time3, $list from text($find regular expr
  5. Does anyone have any idea what the cost will be for the new ubot secure system?
  6. I bought Super Simple UI Builder last nigh and it's simple to use. Very nice program. It's definitely a time saver.
  7. Could Youtube be added along with Google, Bing, Amazon, Yahoo and AOL?
  8. Can the Ubot FTP plugin up load scripts with multiple files and folders?
  9. It's running noticeably slower. I'm going try it on my laptop before contacting support
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