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Everything posted by seopolis

  1. Great job! There are so many uses for this plugin! Purchased and love it!
  2. Ok, this method works fine for small messages. Tested it several times and is blazing fast. The only downside is the character limit. When the message is large the GET truncates it to 1024 characters. In my case (utf-8 and lot of html markup) it truncates to around 40 words... I will get rid some of my html markup code, but the ideal solution would be to work like this with POST request. Thanks again Aymen for your help. UPD: I actually tried to declare the same variable with the "http post" function and it works just fine! Pretty happy right now, and I wouldn't find the solution without A
  3. I never used http get function before... In which command should I put it? PS. Ok, I know saw that you set the variable #post. Ignore my question.
  4. Thanks for the prompt answer. I send a POST request because (correct me if I'm wrong) GET has a limit of 1024 characters.. Since I'm using utf-8, I wanted to overcome this limit. But I will try your solution because my messages are about 100 characters, so I will take a stab and report back the results. Thanks.
  5. Hi Aymen, I bought your fantastic plugin yesterday, and has allready improved dramatically my scraping times! I need your help on this: I've set up a simple php page to post in my blog some simple text. I get the variables from browser like this: $title = $_GET['myTitle']; $content = $_GET['myContent']; $category = $_GET['myCat']; and then I process these and make a blog post. When I visit the page with my browser like this: http://mysite.com/post.php?myTitle=utf8-bla-bla&myContent=utf8-bla-bla&myCat=1 the post is published. Tryign to accomplish the same task through HTTP Po
  6. It's a simple .txt file that I saved with utf8 encoding, and then I read that file to populate a database. It's a simple task, but can not overcome this encoding thing.. Thanks blumi40 for your suggestion anyway.
  7. Does anybody knows how to handle a mysql query that inserts some utf-8 text into a table correctly ? I tried everything (I checked db collation and fields are all utf8-general-ci), but always the text stored in db like this: ???ed?? ??uh??? I think that the utf-8 encoding should be the default... Any help will be very appreciated..
  8. I purchased the bot (and source code also), but I'm not receiveing those email updates. Since there is not a member area to download the files there is a big problem. Do you had any problem with your mailing lists? And most important, how do I receive the new versions?
  9. Please add me too: ostavros Thanks
  10. I could not installed it. The last line of the install.log is always the following: Error: An error occurred trying to download link removed to secure download link Any help?
  11. Thanks for this share, is very useful. But I have problem downloading the attached file... it gives me a 403 Forbidden Access error.. Do you have this zip file on botguru.net also ?
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