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Everything posted by iglow

  1. Yes but would be cool if either could have like 1000 ones, then 1 else. then we get 1 posisbility working and then it stops checking 999 other eithers and just goes where it should. maybe seth could say ?
  2. Yes flushing could be nice, or just choosign when to render sites or stay in text mode
  3. you cant do that. it will always start as blank.
  4. I made script like that for myself in php, good to have ubot tho
  5. Aight i found ou the answer thanx It was way simpler than i thought
  6. Nice share, alot of people are seeking for ideas how to block the bots from beein cracked
  7. I want to put a .txt file in same dir as ubot.exe and i want ubot to auotmatically load the file from this hard coded location each time as a list. Is that possible? I didnt use those options so im kinda not familiar with it. Any ideas?
  8. On the other hand in 3.3 sometimes strange freeze happends. SOme page stays loaded when the NAV is still going even tho site doesnt change i nwondow.
  9. Ive got a loop with a long "IFs" around 10. I would like to put them all into EITHER to save some time, so if either of this 'IFs' happends then bot does some action and doesnt check all 10. Either can be for many instances that are IF or can be just for 2 short ones? ANd the second question - can EITHER be used without "IF' before it? So i could avoid doing all 10 things whe ni need just 1?
  10. Okay when i was making coffee i found out idea how to do this. Nav to each url then loop list total of List1 on it, then again nav list2 item and loop trought whole list with 'if search page 'item'. What Webautomationlab said is cactaully great idea i was also thinking that we need that option of beeing allowed to reder/not render html. Usualy after bot is ready it could run in plain html - would be less crushes, better speed, less bw..
  11. File1: apple car bug crack File2: http://111.com http://222.com now i want to visit each link in File2, and i it has ANY word from File1 then add it to some list called 'found'.
  12. Okay i want to make a really simple [even tho somehow i dont know how to do it] bot that will: have a .txt file with a list of words and a list of pages. it will then go to each page and seek for ALL words from list. if ANY word on the list is on page it adds it to 'found list'. the tricky part is the WORD count wont ever be stable, sometimes it will be 1 sometimes 50. any idea how to workaround this?
  13. Exactly without create accoun it will keep postign same
  14. No ayzo is 100% right. The compilign works different since you put up last version. Some old bots [even without upgrade] after compiled work different than before and theres hidden files. I wrote about the files here: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3410-new-compile-system-makes-alot-of-hidden-files/
  15. To all your questions - YES You can read my review of ubot after using it for few weeks here - Ubot Review
  16. Its tricky it looks liek u can run it without java but u actualy cant! Thanx alot sputnik!
  17. How to use 'run javascript' command to singup the signup button on http://www.ning.com/main/signup ive been trying a bit but cant make it ;x i suck at java.. please somebody help
  18. iglow

    Making blacklist

    Okay very nice and thanx for it, that solves my problem but partially So now we have this claeaner which cleans on 1:1 if http://google.com found then deletes it. But lets say 1st file [the one to be clened] has: http://google.com/page1.html http://google.com/page2.html http://google.com/page3.html and file2 [teh blacklist] has just the main domain: http://google.com is there a way to modify the list cleaner in that case ?
  19. iglow

    Making blacklist

    alcr - i dodnt see any file
  20. iglow

    Making blacklist

    Ok ill put it more clearly Lets say i habve FileA and FileB I want bot to check every adress in fileA and if its in fileB then i want it to be deleted from the list and then list saved o nthe end. Any idea?
  21. Ok i have a file with a bunch of urls that i navigate in a loop. ANd lets say i want to make a blacklist of domains [but rmemeber that urls on top may have exact pages on domain, so 1 domain can have 50 urls in 1st file] so then it wont navigate to them. I was trying to think of some idea but i really cant. Anybody? It could even be maybe clearing out the list on the start before navigating anywhere but i dont know how to do that on .txt files.
  22. alcr - great then im waiting awake here else would be cool but its not as needed as ignore errors
  23. yeh if not fixes that but im still voting for 'ignore errors' in complied bots. i wont sleep till i get it !
  24. Thats the 1st thing i wanted implemented that i wrote here after i got Ubot. Would be sweet to have that - would fix LOADS of my current trouble [when i have to comeback to script just to click'ok' and then it keeps running anyways]
  25. alcr would it would be hard to implement simple 'ignore errors' ? imacros has it and its preety cool, thats just ignoring the window and keep on running. ubot runs anyways but waits for clicking 'OK' o nthe e rror window, wouldnt change much if it autoskipped it
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