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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by iglow

  1. Get How to Protect Your sites from Bots, Spammers and Content Rippers Now! Free ebook, very good reviews.. And all this from top seo spammer DOWNLOAD HERE
  2. guys i still didnt upgrade, im on the 3 pro. can you say as users your experiences of ubot4 but not with making bots from the scrath but making old (and complex!) ones to work? is it as simple as open the old file and nothing will fail or more likely they are not 100% compatible? thats what i mscared the most - redoin everything i did before. question two - if you answer that they are compatible then how is the multithreading addin to old super big bots easy? i understnad it may not be just 'click and go' but how many heaches did it give u? thanx, I!
  3. Okay so its not my skills but the capabilities of Ubot for now Good and bad to hear
  4. I know Ubot has issues with UTF8 things but if you scrape before closing the bot, the characters will be more or less fine. Just after reopening thye will disappear. So i want to go to the page, scrape them, save to variable and then paste when i need each time i start the bot. Somehow im gettign scraping issue so please help [possible with .ubot file] coz im not sure if its my computer failing or my skills with that. To the point: I want to go to page: http://www.lawcity.co.kr/ and scrape title of 1st paragraph [i know it dizzy characters] into #variable that i can post later on elsew
  5. So i made a bot using flow commands with mouse tracking. Theres 3 options there to go by screen resolution, browser size etc. I choosen by browser window, movd bot to other computer - it goes wrong place. How to make flow command work o nevery computer not just 1 ? :/
  6. Hey so can sombody give an answer thats definitive: how to make a bot into .exe that it will work on EVERYBODYS computer using the input command. aka which one to choose.
  7. http://www.therssweblog.com/?guid=2009072107143 I saw i ncode to choose by id="iView" [ubot doesnt see that], the ni see i can do change iframe body, but nothing gets actually put in the window. im out of ideas. anybody?
  8. Ok so what if i want to make a bot that will work on 2 computers of mine - i use the browser. and screen is to like, click something on the browser or even outside - do i understand right?
  9. Nobody ? In the video it doesnt say differences between Screen/Browser/Active.
  10. theres optio nto stick to active windows, to browser window to relative window. whioch one does what>? i want compiled bot to work each time..
  11. yeah i already had those too and never foudn solution.
  12. http://www.kbcafe.com/csharp/?guid=20081109223431 cant inf a way.. tried chosoe by attrivbute then change iframe vbody. attirbutes i found were iView but didnt help
  13. i dotn see difference. can somebody explain?
  14. I dont want ot share ubot file coz it might be somehting stupid missing here. http://www.lapietriccia.com/index.php?option=com_phocaguestbook&view=phocaguestbook&id=1 Im trying to save captcha hte usual way - choose by attribute/ save to hd with path. It saves a black rectangle each tiem i do that. Itsm y computer or theres something tricky here?
  15. Ubot opens logged twitter page in a way that top navbar is not fully loaded, yet its impossible to log out of Twitter aka click the buttons that are ajax. ANytbody knows how to do that?
  16. SInce i have issues with updaging i always have to uninstall, then download new versio nand install. I did that as usual but adfter the install it kept saying theres new STBLE release with fixed node containers. I wantto update ot it but dont know how
  17. Anybody tried em how do they wor kand how stabile is that? WHich version of Ubot has em? I was a bit away for some time but im definetely interested i nthe real threading part. How are working bots that are writing something to file on each loop when 10 socs run same time?
  18. Anybody has the mobile version of bot? I mean hte .ubot file
  19. im sure its not that complex to add this feature to Ubot straight kjust like with generate account or email thinge. ubot oculd have like 20-30 agents savbed and have a coomand for rotating em [not even speaking of adding our own options]
  20. i can tell you that on lets say win 2003 server bots load HALF. so bot seems to work, but when u see what it doesm it skips loads of commands. especially many IF THEN ones. its preety odd and u never know how much it loads. and yes it was tested on a few installations not just one. big bots often dont load fully
  21. http://www.allureevents.ca/allure-gallery/detail/4/103.html no idea how to put text in the comment field. Tried everything from iframe to others.. Many tries of choosing the editor itself seems ot be failin. Any idea ?
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