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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by blumi40

  1. set(#url, $scrape attribute(<href=w"http://www.top66.ro/makevote/*">, "fullhref"), "Global") navigate(#url, "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 20) have fun
  2. it can be done with js and css
  3. $27 $37 Limited time offer WOW Why not for $99 I mean bind a static ftp class to ubot and this with a ubot commandwindow hee man that is realy hard working.....DONT GIVE IT AWAY SO CHEAP MAN
  4. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12680-sell-ubot-dev-studio-preloader/&do=findComment&comment=68941 but gotta new price yet....because i saw someone here sells plugins with standard .net functions and 3 rows of code for $30 ! i thing $89 is okay for the loader..... If u buy u will also get a Email with,,,,, WOW what a fantastic Loadbar... or something like that.... and i send u a foto from me with a tie I mean f...this is a big bundle..... but only five left so hurry up greetz to my ubot friends and the bathkeeper himself !
  5. Gonzalez This is not a Warriorforum here! Read the Question and answer or let it but dont tell tales about your Traffic. We are here to help each other not to show our Heinis! colton no it isnt easy to handle this fb shit.
  6. AutomationNinja why the hell u saying that? do u know it? thsi guy is a friend of me and im sure this is no malware but i understand why u saying that because u cant understand why ppl give things like that for free
  7. outsch Server4You try hetzner mutch better
  8. pls add sftp and permission but nice plugin thx for that
  9. Features• Post fullautomatic random Posts in your Groups• Manage your Groups• Add new Groups by Keyword• Humanizer Funktion Suported OSAll MS Windows with .Net Framework 4.xx Save your Copy now for$ 59,-- (License for 2 Maschines) Sourcecode $ 249,-- only Dev-Version (This is not a Reseller Licenses!)Multi- and Reseller Licenses on request Interested ?Contact me atskype: cb_headForum: PM SCREENS
  10. for? while? ubot? did i miss something ?
  11. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11592-sell-yt-runner-youtube-all-in-one/
  12. raptortrex pls dont post name of tools here who can be use for cracking bots! next...u not 100% rigth look at this http://www.oreans.com/themida.php sure it is possible to crypt a exefile.
  13. whats the benefit ? kudos? fame? girls? drugs? tell me!
  14. i thing there is no way to do that.... try by yourself open a yturl and watch the sourcecode if u find information about our stuff u looking for, there also will be a possiblety to scrape that if u dont find, the chance to get this info is near null rgds
  15. try $find regular expression [0-9]{6} [0-9] means what u searching for {6} means how many digit hope that helps
  16. [..see the adwords keywords see the keywords...] im not sure but i thing this information u cant get only on your own videos
  17. [...So not only a php script.. You need the bot code also.] as long as u dont gotta methode like hardwaredongle or any other hardwareprotection it will not be safe. And if u tell me 100 times that u use ubotcode inside ubot and not only PHP and MySQL it is not save.... Ubot Bots are made in .Net and it is easy to decompile and recompile... the hell man.....read was wack0 has done and understand that your Protection only looks good but dont Protect If u wanna secure a bot u have to inject him with advance cryptmethodes...any other Stuff makes no Sense... sorry i realy dont wanna blame your
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