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Everything posted by Pete

  1. From my testing it is not fixed Amand's HTTP POST 2.5.4 plugin conflicts with it(you have to disable it, and restart ubotsudio), and the "socket page html" only works with a single thread. also I can't see how it could work without a thread counter of some sort.
  2. Over all I believe this is a pretty good update. Yes “minimizing / maximizing / displaying” the debugger still has some issues at times apart from that very good release Hope the ubot time puts out an update for the few reported bugs next week then focusses on the debugger problems. My thanks to the ubot team and the users that tested it.
  3. go into the eval then replace where it says replace text and the value is "," quote the input so it is not parsed as a maths expression I think that's your problem
  4. As I said in the post the logic in this code is very poor I just cleaned up the existing code a little, But I would not say this is the correct code,
  5. The responses was useful as you clearly need to learn more about ubot before you can do this so you don’t need guiding as you said but spoon feeding step by step Here is your script rewritten “but the logic is floored” ui drop down("Max Threads", "2,4,6,8,10", #threadsmax) ui text box("Number of acccounts<br>to create", #accountsnub) set(#threadrunning, 0, "Global") set(#email tab, "xsretsdgsdf@gmail.com", "Global") loop(#accountsnub) { Reddit() Delicious() loop while($comparison(#threadrunning, ">=", #threadsmax)) { wait(1.500) } } define Reddit { incre
  6. Lists a zero based so d is list item 3 clear list(%items) add list to list(%items, $list from text("a b c d e f", $new line), "Delete", "Global") set(#find, "d", "Global") set(#listposition, $eval("var items = [\"{$replace(%items, $new line, "\",\"")}\]; var position = items.indexOf(\"{#find}\"); position;"), "Global")
  7. I said it because of your post tilte "Can you guys please help," and its true Can I guide you no, and don't raise your voice at me
  8. Its clear by your script you don't understand how to multithread this is why it's not working, So it's your code which is broken not ubots threading I would suggest you use just a single thread until you learn more about ubot studio and how it works As this will be less painful for you
  9. Philosophical perspectives So it's pistols in the park at sunup
  10. The title said "Is there a way to check if a process is running?" but this will start a .exe C:\Windows\system32\" \notepad.exe
  11. You will need the Advanced shell plugin from UBotDev set(#Check, $plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "tasklist /FI \"IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe\""), "Global")
  12. If your using SQLite you could just query it SELECT julianday('now') - julianday('2014-08-12');
  13. I think most have given up, even talking about the problems.
  14. More lightly using ubot v 5 and that’s the problem
  15. Just tested it with version 4 and get a API connection lost or timed out error
  16. Take a look at the post by UBotDev should put you on the right path http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15395-anyone-have-a-good-idea-on-how-to-handle-this/
  17. Yes you miss some thing, Carl's was the best solution ui html panel("<select variable=\"#Selection\" list=\"#Options\" list-fillwith=\"options\"></select> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Options\" class=\"btn\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('Options()')\"></button> <input type=\"button\" value=\"OptionsB\" class=\"btn\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('OptionsB()')\"></button>", 100) define OptionsB { set(#Options, "OptionB 1,OptionB 2,OptionB 3,OptionB 4,OptionB 5", "Global") } define Options { set(#Options, "Option 1,Option 2,Option 3,Option 4,Option 5", "Glo
  18. I don't think so, looks like pash pulls the whole table I want to pull just a cell value similar to db
  19. Excel .xlsx read/write move away from the limits of csv So you could use sheet tabs, read/write by row /column value over coming the problems of large lists/ csv files
  20. It could be done without the loop which would save on cpu power with lg lists
  21. Proxys and user agents are not the problem, looking more like a version 5 problem
  22. I’m having problems creating accounts it always fails after the recaptcha input, (redirects me to the login page). If use all the same data/proxy useragent etc. to create an account manually with IE no problem. But the ubot browser is always rejected, anyone else find this? Or have any thoughts why?
  23. For all the new guys that start to use ubot version 4 you should also understand no new updates will be released for that version (going by history) once a new version is released only that version will get updates. So little or no support for bugs in an old version.
  24. Yes I see, switching between tabs is too slow, seems like an old problem popping it's head up again Pretty sure larger bots have always been a pain to work on. Thank you for clarifying.
  25. That's a standard that's been developed until a fix is found say nothing. As I've started development in version 5, Dan when you say "Can't open large bots. UI crash or very slow, could you expand on this please? Is it a UI problem or the overall number of code lines?
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