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Everything posted by Pete

  1. diskwizz have you had time to look at the “Cbrowser type text” as this is failing for me reasonably often meaning I have to use run JavaScript for input commands. And as far as I know you can’t send a carriage return with JavaScript so it has it restrictions.
  2. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp Seems to be your problem look in the url %3A = :
  3. First make a backup if you ***.ubot file Then change the file type from .ubot to .zip unzip it and you will find the two files with your code Or you could buy ubot pro/del
  4. Nice I take it this will also work with Ubots db commands
  5. You had me going for min, could do without that this week
  6. Ok this is how I have it setup, my firefox version is 35.0 it's connection settings are set to use system proxy settings But it's not switching always returns my default ip? set(#UserAgent,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0","Global") set(#Proxy,"","Global") plugin command("Communication.dll", "CBrowser Container", "Firefox", $plugin function("Communication.dll", "$CBrowser Set HTTP Proxy", #Proxy, "", ""), $plugin function("Communication.dll", "$CBrowser Set User Agent", #UserAgent)) { plugin command("Communication.dll", "CB
  7. I understand this is early days for this plugin that’s giving us some great options. Will it be possible at some point to spoof more the screen size and user agent? Many sites have gone far beyond this now. System time is becoming big if you have a US IP, US user agent, but your system time is set to say GB, Check out https://www.browserleaks.com/ and https://panopticlick.eff.org/ to see more
  8. just create a shortcut for ubot ,Then drop in into this folder,C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  9. This should get you started ui open file("<small>Select User Details:",#UserInput) ui stat monitor("Proxy:",#Proxy) ui stat monitor("Email:",#Email) ui stat monitor("Psw:",#psw) clear list(%UserDetails) add list to list(%UserDetails,$list from text($read file(#UserInput),$new line),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%UserDetails)) { clear list(%CurrentUserDetails) add list to list(%CurrentUserDetails,$list from text($next list item(%UserDetails),","),"Delete","Global") set(#Proxy,$list item(%CurrentUserDetails,0),"Global") set(#Email,$list item(%CurrentUserDetails,1),"
  10. Sweet little bot, if the ui is locked to size I would do away resize on the text area, then just market it
  11. Ubot 3.5 plus it's fire fox plugin supports the firefox 3.6 browser But its not easy working with ubot 3.5
  12. (Although it was added to v4 it was quicklly removed due to a bug, but never made it back) UBotDev some of the commands now seem to be working in the main browser within the development environment So hopefully it will be back at some point, soon as I have the time I will test it in a complied bot
  13. After looking at this again its because you need to escape some characters before running it in a shell command So if you have IE installed this code should work set(#nav,"http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/","Global") set(#nav,"\"http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php\\?title^=TinyURL^&diff^=283621022^&oldid^=283308287\"","Global") shell("explorer.exe {#nav}") You can find more info here http://www.robvanderwoude.com/escapechars.php
  14. I think your best bet is to encode the Url or you could just replace question mark with %3F
  15. No idea what the professionals do but more tabs = more open browsers in your task manager which = more memory used I think Myself I try to make reusable modules when ever I can, these only come together just before the bots compiled The include command should bring these into the bot when needed (however this command is not working correctly for me, as my bots show an error in the code when I save, then reopen them) The downside is conflicting list/variable names, an excel spread sheet can help here, but you spend as much time updating that as the bot
  16. I take it you are still using public proxy's if so you will never get a bullet proof solution Because public proxy's can and do fail at any point You are testing against loading browser pages which is slow Try sockets with a proxy judge (which is faster and will tell you if the proxy is transparent or not) With public proxy's looping the list total then reloading the list allows the end user to refresh the list is the bot is running for hours Or you could use a while loop removing dead proxy's as you go this could stop the bot when you run out of good proxy's Best option buy some working pro
  17. OS:Windows 8 Total Memory:< 1Gb Framework:v3.5 License:Standard Edition Could be your .net ubot studio 5 needs version 4 I believe Or could possibly be your language settings if you are viewing the site with none English characters as this looks like a Germany
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