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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Sounds to me like you need to know a fair amount of javascript to pull this off
  2. Pete

    Proxy changer

    Pretty sure you don't want to be using Codeen proxys make up a small list of elite proxys and test it maybe from sites like xxx.ip-adress.com/proxy_list/?k=time&d=desc
  3. Pete

    Proxy changer

    Give this proxyswitcher a go if it works for you i will try and find the source code bot
  4. Thanks for the reply Kreatus But that’s the problem the whole world is using adwords keyword tool and you have little control with it I think alcr reply was incorrect as I believe he did not check the type of dropdown box in question And was referring to a run of the mill dropdown box Ubot is by designed to manipulate webpage’s but it seems this could be beyond ubot This is very significant as it would open up a lot more possibilities in data mining
  5. google yahoo bing The google/bing search suggestion drop down box is not a standard dropdown as you type your search so it sends the keystrokes one by one and updates the suggestions for each keystroke. Type ubot and the suggestions are (ubot, ubot for kids, ubot game,and so on) However type ubot and just add the character d and get (ubot download, ubot discount, developer) I would like grab all those words Yes you can choose the attribute for the drop down box but how to add it to a list 1. The box will disappear before you add it to a list 2. The box updates on the fly as you type so
  6. Would it be possible to tap into the search suggestion drop down the big 3 are all using now days? It seems to send each keystroke
  7. Wow you most be making some bad assed bot to go that far Never been down that road myself
  8. Yes I loaded a proxy list into an earlier version of ubot and successfully used them To check just nav to whatismyip.com if it says your ip is ******** possible proxy detected it's a poor proxy still forwarding some if not all your headers info
  9. I use ProxyScraper, HideMyIP, Proxy Switcher HideMyIP is ok for general internet browsing works with ubot in legacy mode (some IPs block image files) ProxyScraper is fast and dangers Proxy Switcher is a little slow but that because of all the background checks being done on each proxy will give you the best proxies
  10. What are you saving it to? I am thinking excel as when i save it to a txt file them bad characters turn out to be , " ! and so on so maybe saving to a .txt file then reading it back into ubot to save in your fomat
  11. Really depends on how many different characters you need to remove before you page scrap Choose attribute Attribute Innertext SearchString Bad characters Method exact match change choose attribute Attribute Innertext Newvalue $nothing
  12. I watched just one of the videos for this software and seeing what the software was doing for a new product I was sure it would have a few teething bugs, Looking at the cost of the software plus the cost per month put up a big red flag as no matter how good the software is unless it will be used day in day out to make money I just can’t justify the pay per month for this But then I started getting emails every other day about it yes some one has talked Alex into spam mailing his user database (just not his style) big mistake in my eyes as he is now on my blocked user list. This and o
  13. Alexandr software has always been good but i will be giving this one a miss as i believe his may well of teamed up with some internet sem guru for this one
  14. Sweet little bot Thanks works fine
  15. The only limitation in a csv file is you can only have one work sheet as far as i know
  16. Ubot struggles some what with xml feeds and fails with Rss feeds which made me return to winautomation could this be used to correct these problems by inserting code? (I found this with the original ubot not the latest updates)
  17. That good to hear Nice tool to help with regular expressions here ultrapico.com/Expresso.htm
  18. Difficult task may have been an idea just to make a new Wiki and update it as per request Possibly index it by the functions as watching a 45 min video when you have forget one step in a function could become a little boring particularly if you are unsure which video it was in and watched the wrong one frist
  19. Sorry I was not aware of this, but a interesting solution their by seth
  20. wow thats one way to do it but i think most of us, choose by attribute, and then change chosen attribute, value true/false checked/unchecked
  21. Pete


    Did you try sending the symbol code © just a thought edit lol the forum reads it ok and posts the symbol &-#-1-6-9-; Remove all the dashes
  22. Using random delays and the 600 strong list of data centers that was uploaded to this broad it always failed on me at about 140 of the 200 loops, I have not yet got round to using the temp file/cookie cleaner this could make it work. What I did note is the results for allintitles are variable depended upon the dada center you pull from so it’s local and not global results So I believe using proxies will give you a nice mix like pulling from random data centers
  23. Pete

    Save to File

    Just been playing with this and it would not save to file untill i removed the {1}\ then it works
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