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Everything posted by jason

  1. and check out this blog post: Why your bot is showing up as a virus and what to do about it!
  2. Are you suggesting that bots should have more options when run as compiled? ie, if you use an argument besides /hide to load a bot, such as (ummmm) /maximize then the bot loads fully maximized? Or do you mean that bots should be able to communicate with one another?
  3. Edward, I'm sorry to hear this. Could you tell me more about the order in private. I'm unclear if it was through the Store or through your own site. Thanks
  4. Hey all, just a quick informative post. The DEFAULT browser in UBot Studio is currently still the previous browser. This is the browser that we've had for a long time. It works great and there are many tried and true ways to use it on the few sites that don't appear to work at first. 1. Change your useragent! 2. Try the m.site.com or mobile version of the site! Anyway, thanks to a ton of hard work, the newest version of UBot Studio contains BOTH a new browser and the previous browser for added compatibility with some large scripts. To make sure you are using the new browser, go to
  5. Awesome, glad to hear it! If you've got time to open a tracker about the issue you're experiencing in Chrome 39 that'd be really great. The number of issues reported about it is pretty low so we're relying on anyone who has one to let us know so we can knock it out!
  6. Usually files that are not saved are saved temporarily. You can see this when you reopen UBot Studio and it asks if you'd like to restore an unsaved script. The directory should be %AppData%\Roaming\UBot Studio\AutoSave. Have you had the same file opened for two weeks and you've been saving it regularly as you work on it?
  7. UBot updates are extremely reasonable. $54 gets you all the things. Don't give up. http://www.notempire.com/images/uploads/pumaorg.jpg
  8. All, Please see Seth's latest post for more information on these plugins. http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/18705-how-plugins-make-ubot-more-awesome We will add these Open Source plugins, compiled as DLLS with the appropriate keys, to the Free Plugin section of the Store ASAP. If anyone has paid for these plugins, it is advised that they get a refund.
  9. Make sure to make use of the UBot Network (Store, Learn sites!) to bring exposure to your tutorials and bots. Maybe we could partner up!
  10. So the update released last week created a specific amount of slowdown, potentially during captcha solving? Weird! If we see any reports of this in the tracker we'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the explanation!
  11. Unclear from the two posts by Cyber Junkie and CNotey if these are related issues. CNotey, UBot is definitely not supposed to crash every 20 minutes, and doesn't for most people. Can you open a support ticket with more information?
  12. This is an interesting point! Start by building the bot and testing it. If it works with a few small orders, then it should scale. But the solution here is simple: watch and test for the first few days. I live in the Bay Area where google is testing driverless cars constantly. These tests don't involve turning on a car and letting it go, but instead individuals sitting behind the wheel ready to take over if anything goes wrong. Frankly, I think that people are just as likely to make mistakes as robots. We're all pretty badly programmed.
  13. The problem is that your users are unable to download the necessary files to run their bots. The included installer in UBot allows you to add in all necessary support files. If they are included they should not see this.
  14. Alright, so I added them up and there are over 75 new commands, functions, and features added to UBot Studio since 5.5! AND I'm sure I'm missing a few.... Play_Sound_File SpeakStop_SoundIncludeActivityLogPurposeUI_log_viewClear_All_DataEstablishSection$Dequeue$Html_from_table$PopCreate_Table_from_ExcelCreate_Table_from_TextEnqueuePushRemove_Text_from_listReplace_List_ItemChartEncryptionPlot$Absolute_Value$Ceiling$Cos$Division_Remainder$Floor$log$Max$Min$Round$Sin$Square_Root$TanCharacter_ListClean_TextLevenshtein_DistanceNumber_FormatReverse_TextSwap_CaseCount_TextEscape_HTMLIs_BlankIs_Num
  15. What version did you roll back to? Can you point to the tracker issue you posted so that we can take a look ?
  16. The beauty of UBot is that it doesn't do it for you but it does it better. You should be able to scrape the content of most common sites fairly quickly, by building a simple content scraper and using some wildcards and if statements to determine what the content is. To analyze the content, just send it to a site like smmry.com. There's a way to do nearly anything in UBot, and better than in other software, if you are interested in having the best but spending a few minutes learning
  17. If you want the bot to run automatically and be completely hidden, you need Incognito mode. This is a Stealth Developer feature. (http://network.ubotstudio.com/blog/ubot-stealth-has-arrived/ for more info) If you want the bot to be visible and then disappear, that's a different story....
  18. You need to be on Ubot Studio 5.9+ to select Chrome 39 as your browser in the options menu. This script does not work on the version of UBot Studio that you're using.
  19. Sure! Can you talk about what you're trying to protect? Is it a bot that people will buy and then download?
  20. I love how specific all these goals are. This is exactly what it takes to succeed - a serious plan, good tools, and a way to stay focused. Very excited to watch this thread!
  21. Hey all you UBotters who take-it-to-the-limit. Do you have a good recommendation for a server, cloud, super-computer, etc, if someone would like to run an expansive set of bots ?
  22. We'll look into this issue, but I've got a solution that will work right now - You can also get a dev key for free until you plan to sell your plugin. Just open a support ticket and let us know!
  23. I just added up the new features we've added since UBot Studio 5.0 and counted at least 85. Holy poopemoji.com! If you're interested in checking out all the features in UBot, here's one way to do it: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&from=%24Absolute_Value&to=Url + http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&from=Variable_Functions&to=Zip_Folder
  24. The buy / sell / trade section has been moved to the Freelance portion of the network. Please visit network.ubotstudio.com/freelance so you can clearly define your job and guidelines!
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