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saborinesde last won the day on June 7 2019

saborinesde had the most liked content!

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2 Neutral

About saborinesde

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    Windows 7
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    Community Edition

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  1. any body can help me to upload an image or video to facebook i have tried many ways, and none work
  2. not working anymore, any updates on this or another solution?
  3. yes is possible, no need to do it with DEVELOPER. Run it with a batch file, install python and it needed packaged and good to go, if you need an example let me know.
  4. just to report - Image Typer Captcha plug in - makes ubot freeze, not load, shows errors in my case. I disabled it and works now...
  5. how much are you selling all you have for? licence, plugins, etc
  6. how did you get to copy them to python ??? is there a software that does that? can you explain a lil bit more in detail? thanks!!
  7. no updates for the last year, may be not worth paying for updates if they dont come....just my opinion.
  8. Somehow I accidentally overwrote a .ubot file with a blank one. is it possible to decompile the exe to see the sorce of the .ubot file? I tryed a few exe decompilers but had no luck any help?
  9. You can download the latest images and videos from any Instagram user (private profiles must be unblocked), just fill out the required log in data (use your account or create a new one) and put the name of the profile in the field and let the bot do its work… https://botarmy.org/instagram-bot-videos-and-pictures-downloader/
  10. Hello guys, i just started to create bots with ubot just for a hobby, I found this script in this forum and made a few changes, so I came up with this simple ui builder, that can be customized to build amazing looking ui buttons forms and more elements for your bots like the ones this ui builder uses, I hope is useful for some people, this is for ubot 5 and 6 (x), so it will work for any version as long as you use the ui html panel command Download here: https://botarmy.org/ubot-x-free-ui-elements-builder/
  11. Coded and sambled by me in ubot. Its a share to the forum, and I wish I can apport my bots and be useful. You will be able to download youtube videos based in a keywork or a niche, the program will download the newest and more relevant videos related to the keyword provided asap. It will download all your files in the Desktop>YouTubeBot>Videos. Do not edit, move or delete any files in the folder or bot will no longer work. upload download: https://botarmy.org/youtube-video-uploader-bot/
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