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Everything posted by StygianGod

  1. Never mind guys I think I figured it out. Thanks again!
  2. Nevermind guys, I think I figured it out. Thanks again for your help!
  3. Sorry for the late response. Working a weird shift this week. Anyways, here is my code: set(#row, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&RuckusAPs)) { type text($element offset(<class="x-form-item-label-inner x-form-item-label-inner-default">, 3), $table cell(&RuckusAPs, #row, 0), "Standard") type text($element offset(<class="x-form-item-label-inner x-form-item-label-inner-default">, 7), $table cell(&RuckusAPs, #row, 3), "Standard") type text($element offset(<class="x-form-item-label-inner x-form-item-label-inner-default">, 8), $table cell(&RuckusA
  4. Hey guys, It has been a while since I've been on the forums. I am having a little issue with a form filling bot I am working on for some data entry work. I am trying to test each individual node in reference to a particular column, and everytime I run the node I get the following error: Error: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid. Trying to figure out what the issue is. Any suggestions?
  5. Well I understand having to pay if it were June 1st but since I had purchased on June 3rd it was made clear to me that it would be a 12 month period of no subscriptions. Another thing, I upgraded to ubot v 4.0 from 3.5 without a subscription charge. Wouldn't that be going against the June 1st subscription change?
  6. So if I purchased UBot in June 2011, and then later upgraded to Professional in I believe September. Wouldn't I still be eligible? Or does that 3 month rule still apply to me?
  7. I remember reading something saying you would have to pay the subscription fee if the updates are coming a year after you had purchased UBot studio. Well, I purchased mine in June and I am being asked to purchase the updates... why is this?
  8. Man, I need to find a way to come up with 77 bucks, this looks worth it. Now I noticed HideMyAss on there, is this explaining the shell node command and all? Or is this for the free version of HMA? If you have any info on shell nodes that would be great. I can't afford anything as of right now but hell I am sure as hell going to try and find a way to do so. And do you give any sort of support after the package has been bought?
  9. Sorry guys, I actually got some help and now I am able to pump out these bots in no time. But I have a few more ideas that I want to take action on. So I may need some help with those bots. I'll keep you guys posted after I get these bots finished.
  10. I'm surprised no one has posted Hidemyass on here. It seems to work great for me but then again I am a noob so if there is something seriously wrong with it please let me know!
  11. Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you out there would like to help me with creating a Reputation management bot. It's what I already do for work but I'm not too sure how long the company I work for is going to last. So I am trying to find a means to make money to support my household even if our company goes under. I am willing to pay the right price to the right person. I understand the basics but there are some issues I still have yet to overcome. Send me a message and we'll discuss what is needed and on what terms and conditions you will help with the creation of this. Thanks, I hope to h
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