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Everything posted by Sanjeev

  1. Thanks for for such a detailed reply. I really appreciate it!
  2. Hi , Could anyone point out some reliable sources of public proxies? software/site/paid service? Thanks.
  3. Thanks For your reply TJ! You said - in case of #2( ip authenticated) - "In very few cases you need to use the proxy credentials for it" That means while coding it would be a good idea to set proxy credentials anyways , just in case the person running the bot may be using such an ip authenticated proxy? But would it create problems in cases where the ip authenticated proxy does not require setting proxy credentials? I hope this is not confusing . All I asking is how do I account for the exceptional cases in my bot? Thanks.
  4. I am sorry . I'm just a dumb newbie here. I would really appreciate it if you could explain how and why this works...?] do you mean - list position+1 > list total? I find that at end of a list -> list position = list total That is why I had enquired about the above statements in the OP. In this case if list total = say 10, then, when end of list is reached - list pos. would also = 10. hence,in your code - we are checking 10+1 > 10? In the same vein I had also thought of checking - if list position = list total? Thanks
  5. As far as I know these are the only types of proxies we would be dealing with inside UbotStudio - please give me your feedback guys - fill in the blanks for me... 1.Public proxies - mostly http proxies , but can be socks4/5 too. But, I am a bit confused with the following two private proxy options - 2.IP authenticated proxies - Need “Username AND Password” to authenticate - i.e will need to sign in - with username/password. 3.Private proxies in this particular format - IP:PORT:Username:Password In case of no. 2 & no. 3 please tell me - a. how will the change proxy command l
  6. if($comparison($list position(%testList), "=", $list total(%testList))) { then { set list position(%testList, 0) ----------- if($comparison($list position(%testList), ">=", $list total(%testList))) { then { set list position(%testList, 0) Thanks.
  7. Guys? Any ideas on how to achieve the following - 1. Auto Restart a Bot On Crash.... 2.Clean memory regularly/memory management - when a bot has been running for a long time I've read mentions of browser exe instances piling up sometimes when using multi threading...in the forum. What are the current best practices. for the above issues ..please? Thanks.
  8. Hi, As I am from India I am unable to pay money directly to your Paypal email Id. As per PayPal rules for Indian Registered users - Indian registered Accounts may neither send nor receive personal payments I can only pay for commercial PayPal transactions via shopping cart or if you send me a 'request payment' via payPal?
  9. Hi, Which version of ubot 4.x does UbotLocker require? Can I work with My current 4.1.13 or must I upgrade? Thanks.
  10. I was hoping Old timers would come out and say good things in Ubot's favour....
  11. Could you please explain a bit more what you mean? Some code example ?
  12. Hi Guys, I would like to clarify something regarding multi threading - Suppose I am processing items from a list using multi threading - and I am calling the 'next list item' function from within a thread - then is there a chance that two or more threads may end up using the same list item? Say if 2 threads execute in parallel -and call the next list item function for the same list - could they end up using the same llist item? If yes, then how do we prevent this from occuring? Thanks.
  13. Hi guys, I need some clarifications regarding proxies - I specifically want answers to these question - any help would be welcome. 1. Can public proxies be - socks5 and socks4 type apart from normal http proxies? 2. Do all private proxies - require username and password for them to work? 3. Are all private proxies socks4/5 or can they be http too? --------------------- 4. Are the following code usages correct ? For setting public proxies - -------- If http proxies - change proxy(#proxytocheck) if socks4 and socks5 can be public then - change proxy("socks4://{#proxytocheck}")
  14. Hi, I would like to know if UbotLocker can do the following - - create trials of my bot -hardware locked? - create free bots - hardware locked? - set bot expiry date from inside my bot? Thanks.
  15. Hi. Could some one please tell me , what are the advantages/uses of this xml plugin over - using tables and MySQL? I would like to know a real world scenario where this plugin would be indispensable... Thanks.
  16. Hello, check out the code below -This might be what you're looking for. As I Am quite new to Ubot - therefore the code is rather long - (and may not work in all the situations you mention above, but it should give you some ideas at the least.. add list to list(%ListA, $list from text("http://cnn.com/ http://foxnews.com/ http://abc.com/ http://cbs.com/ http://nbc.com/ http://xyz.com/", " "), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%ListB, $list from text("2258 159 89654 3658 6598", " "), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%AplusB) if($comparison($list total(%ListA), ">", $list total(%ListB)))
  17. Thanks TJ! A noob question now. Could You give an example or site where this plugin will help - and standard selectors alone may not? Thanks.
  18. Thanks to all who have so warmly welcomed me to this forum!
  19. Hello , What you're saying sounds interesting. But tell me - if I keep my price high - wouldn't it be easy for someone to create the same /similar product and sell it for far less, undercutting my profits? Someone could take my Idea - add a couple of features more, and sell it for less! But if the price is already low - There's less motivation to create similar product..as undercutting the price becomes unattractive.
  20. Hello Guys I purchased UbotStudio about a year back.. but its been gathering dust since then. I've decided to seriously take up learning UbotStudio and I'm looking forward to interacting and learning from you guys here. I did some lurking on this forum and I must say More than a forum it seems like a band of brothers! Cheers!
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