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Everything posted by johnwalton

  1. Where can you modify the launch resolution settings? By default it's set to maximized. Want it 'normal'. Or even better would be a custom resolution. 1 other thing, Can we create custom shortcodes in the .INI? I was trying this. Would be a great feature to save even more time
  2. This will be very useful when X released, yeah?
  3. johnwalton

    New update will surely help! very excited about the new capabilities that will bring. But honestly, DEV team you underestimate the power of articulate communication! Could make a better product with an efficient feedback and update mechanism in your company! =) If you don't commune then people will start to wonder, and we all know where that leads .choas
  4. You plan on any more courses coming out? **Cough SQLite
  5. Yes that is correct, I'm talking about uBot.exe itself. It is for non-maximized. My screen is 3440p Wide. Is there a width value somewhere that can be edited for non-maximized launch setting?
  6. Hi The 'New Tab' button disappeared, is there shortcode for New Tab?
  7. What is your Shortcode to Collapse all Notes? Is there a shortcode for this? Thanks.
  8. How do I change launch resolution? I'd like to always launch at 1450p wide. Thanks
  9. Hey botters, does anyone have this Threads Counter handy? i'm not able to get it from the website.
  10. Wow great post here got me excited to dive into relational db's =) Even years later still! My main project will be collecting 100's of thousands of table cells and all the data should be used for what i'm doing, so learning a superior DB management system should really be valuable! Wish this forum had more users where'd everyone go? Seasonal?
  11. I'm looking to install some Chrome Custom Plugins for a project, this External Chrome browser looks like a regular Chrome browser, is easy to install normal Chrome plugins with this?
  12. johnwalton

    Do you guys have any ideas for reviving the community here? I didn't look @ the statistics but it feels down from just a year or two ago. uBot is needed so it will be around for a long time but... there's gotta be some way to revitalize the community so that we get more support. More support = More of everything uBot related. So one thing i've seen on other forums is, a sort of team competition, teams split by geograph, and the goal is perform some set function. Maybe we could have teams to come up with a bot idea, build it and sell it via team's chosen method/s and the winner would be the te
  13. I've gone through all of your courses and this is one of the most valuable videos i've seen for learning to be a better programmer. These high-level notions are welcome and I wish you shared a few practical and realistic examples in addition to the ' X Y Z '. The community could easily provide such examples. If you have more tips on theory for producing the cleanest and most elegant code that is instantly legible, please share! A lot of us novices would seriously be interested. =) As a test to add value to your video content, you might consider reverse engineering some programs/bots/tools (a
  14. To end this thread, made a function and command so that the code stays legible in main loop. The naming could be better but i'm still optimizing that to what works best for my eyes and memory lol great to finally have this working, api opens up a new world of speed and efficiency and options. define $RevContent l API URL l Add Widget(#_boostID) { return("https://api.revcontent.io/stats/api/v1.0/boosts/{#_boostID}/targets/optimizer/widgets/add") } comment("Need to turn the widget blacklist list into a VAR") RevContent l API URL l Add Widget("444,555", 62893) define RevContent l API URL l A
  15. Your idea here worked on this ^ sub problem. Regarding the primary issue; After adding the 2nd property like so, this 404 error is returned. #1 the API Call URL is correct #2 Authentication is correct #3 The Parameters you helped me form and POST appear to be correct in form. What is my configuration missing or how is it incorrect? PARAM: {"boost_id": "62893","id": "222"} **** UBOT Code Below: **** define RevContent l POST l Add Widget { Get Bearer() divider plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "http set headers", "Authorization", "Bearer {#bearer}") plugin command("HTTP post.dl
  16. Is there a plugin to search 'Code View' code within uBot? I've been copying/pasting into Notepadd++
  17. Yes but when you need to go through 50 vars it becomes quite redundant .
  18. a simple 'Control + E' search function would be very much appreciated and would save me a great many clicks
  19. Additionally, when i try your code i get this message #postWidgetUpdate: The 'Content-Type' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method. Parameter name: name
  20. this regex builder might be helpful to you in future: http://imautobots.com/downloads/regex-builder/
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