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Everything posted by Learjet

  1. Kreatus, try this, it works for me, had the same issue: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "chrome://settings/content") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://*[@id=\"notifications-section\"]/div/div[3]/label/input") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://*[@id=\"content-settings-overlay-confirm\"]") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "http://www.facebook.com") Peace, LJ
  2. There's a good tutorial on CodeAcademy here if anyone wants to learn how to use Twitter's API: https://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/twitter Peace, LJ
  3. Thanks David, I hadn't thought of that and I'm definitely thankful for the advice :-) Peace, LJ
  4. Hi Dan, Which command do I use to find text on a page? The issue is the source code may change from site to site so finding via xpath will not work. I need to find the text "Add a comment..." and then use the Sendkeys feature to create a message in that field. Thanks! Peace, LJ
  5. Learjet

    Weird Errors

    http://i.imgur.com/K6eszwf.jpg?1 I keep getting these 2 errors but when I click "Stop Script" the program moves on and works flawlessly. If you would be so kind is there any was to shut these off so that my customers don't see them? Many thanks! LJ
  6. Hey Dan, Did you get the issue with Tumblr fixed? I haven't got an update yet and I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss one. Peace, LJ
  7. If you would be so kind, here are screenshots from Promoticon: http://promoticon.com/images/Promoticon-Screen-Caps-SFW.jpg Here's a picture of what Promoticon will post to your accounts, this is the output. Please note that when using the "Custom Post" feature your statuses can be anything that you want. http://promoticon.com/images/Promoticon-Output-Demo.jpg
  8. Thanks for your constructive feedback, anything that can help me at this point is good and appreciated very much. Thanks Again! Peace, LJ
  9. Download is immediate using Meter's licensing system (it's a very good plugin for Ubot). If you have any more question feel free to ask! Respectfully, LJ
  10. I added the video for you in my signature file below, proxy support is built in so that you can bind a proxy to an account. This is one of the features that was 'must have' so that your Facebook accounts can use the same proxy. Some of my PVA's are older than 2 years now and I'm still using the same proxy on every account :-) If you have any more questions I'm happy to answer. :-) Peace, LJ
  11. Hey Sk8, Ubot is a little quirky with REGEX, I can get an expression perfect in Edit Pad and sometimes it won't work in Ubot. I've found that after I have an expression working in Edit Pad or another tool I can open up the built in REGEX editor and tweak it to Ubot's liking. Just a tip and welcome to the forum my friend! Peace, LJ
  12. Sorry I missed you, yes, one time payment details immediate, using Meter's system. Very sorry, I had some nerves burned off my back with a laser on Wednesday, then working on video on Thursday. Yes the program uses a proxy, check out the video up top. Many thanks! Peace, Learjet
  13. Thanks CJ and Kreatus, Please see the attached file in order to understand the warnings that I'm getting. Yesterday I figured out that there are two different issues here: Chrome is saying that the download could be harmful to the user's machine.Windows Smartscreen is throwing a warningI added my site to Google WMT yesterday and should be done with the site today or tomorrow, so hopefully it will take care of the Chrome issue. Then as I make some cash with my programs I'll purchase an EV certificate to take care of the smart screen issue. Just bumps in the road... Thanks for your help
  14. Thanks Kev! You really helped me out! I saw some suggestions about adding your site to Google Webmaster Tools and I did that, which will hopefully help with the Chrome issue. Additionally, I looked into getting a cert however, it's a bit confusing for a person who is admittedly ignorant on the whole process. When I can afford it, should I get an EV Cert or just the run of the mill code signing cert? Here's the page that I'm talking about: https://www.digicert.com/code-signing/ev-code-signing-compared.htm As I stated earlier, this is my career and I plan on making a living out of progr
  15. Please forgive my ignorance on this topic. Do any of you have a Code Signing Certificate and is it necessary? Here's what I'm looking at: https://www.digicert.com/code-signing/code-signing.htm#digicert_reviews I just completed my software and when you try to download it from my site Chrome and Windows label it as 'potentially dangerous' even though I know every single line of the code. After download, when you try to install it stops you from installing says Windows protected you from a threat and you have to override the security in Windows to make it work. There's no way that I could
  16. I got it working now, was under the impression that this would take care of all of the "WARNING DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS", "Windows is protecting you from a virus..." but no, it didn't. Grrrr... Do I need a Commodo cert to get this thing so that customers can download the software without thinking I'm giving them viruses? Seriously, this is killing me, just when I thought great I'm free, there's another 2 days worth of BS left to do! Very Very frustrating! Peace, LJ
  17. Does the freeware version work with it? I have to build a town before thinking 'Empire' :-)
  18. Hi Everyone, If you would be so kind can you please point me towards an Installer that I can get to work with Meter's system? I have Inno Setup however I'm having problems getting it to work. Do I need to add the helper files like the built in installer? If so where do I put them? Thanks in advance for your wisdom! Peace, LJ
  19. CLOSED Want to see how it works? Check it out here: https://youtu.be/8cDDELmnyN8 It's $97 ONE TIME for life, this is to show my appreciation for the community and will not be found again anywhere else. After our 'official launch' we will be using a monthly subscription model and not offering lifetime again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The benefit of having multiple social accounts on various networks is well known, you can use them to drive traffic to your offers or s
  20. Hey Macster, Can I use this with the installer? I have a competing product and it's frustrating not being able to use the installer feature in the Dev edition. Many thanks! Peace, LJ
  21. Notes for the next person experiencing the same issue with Windows 10: Fixed, was a permissions issue when I tried to save files 2 directories deep. Re-coded the files to be in the root and now only have 1 folder deep. Additionally before compiling I made sure the permissions in the folder were not 'Read Only' which seems to have fixed the issue. Peace, LJ
  22. Folks, I got my bot completed, everything is working great however after compiling it's not downloading the files required via socket after installing and running the program. However, the uncompiled bot does it just fine. Has anyone had this problem? I'm not sure if it's a permissions issue on the folder or a socket issue? If you vets would be so kind can you poiint me in the right direction? Many thanks! Peace, LJ
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