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Everything posted by heopas

  1. I am trying to http get https://www.endclothing.com/us/customer/account/create/ and cloudflare return 503 The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Any idea how to pass the 5 seconds redirection? Edit: Cloudflare 503 error set those cookies Response sent 132 bytes of Cookie data:Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d2b0605f06fa567bab50e7af7dea76b7b1448305631; expires=Tue, 22-Nov-16 19:07:11 GMT; path=/; domain=.endclothing.com; HttpOnly If you go the the link again it work. But the problem is that i can' t capture those cookies with http post plugin. Edit 2:I have found the solution
  2. Jason like i told you on email about 1-2 weeks before i have the same problem. All ubot customers have the same problems. (Appdata files, error like this) Developers should change the way that AppData and error message work. (You can add a setting that allow ubot users to specify their appdata folder name and not the default one - Ubot...)
  3. I am trying to connect on my personal mail server (personal domain with self sign certificate) using IMAP with SSL and the following error appear http://i.imgur.com/dZ6yc3c.png Desktop mail clients work correctly. Already tested.
  4. This setting will increase exbrowser speed very much! (Similar to http post)
  5. http://phantomjs.org/api/command-line.html --load-images=[true|false]
  6. Please try to fix this bug first AND add options for phantomjs (for example loadImages)
  7. I have created threads manager that can be used in every project. Tested with 1000 threads. Feel free to use it. ThreadsManager.ubot
  8. I am working on a Sneakers Bot (for sites like nike, adidas etc...) using HTTP Post plugin. My main application is based on Embarcadero 10 Seattle (Delphi) and i used ubot as a second process for the automation job.
  9. Hello, i am looking for an online license protection software that integrate paypal subscription (monthly payment).
  10. randomuser.me API. Feel free to use it. HTTP Post Plugin [Required] JSONPath Plugin [Required] define $Random User API { set(#success,0,"Local") set(#successCounter,0,"Local") loop while($both($comparison(#success,"!= Does not equal",1),$comparison(#successCounter,"< Less than",3))) { set(#post,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://api.randomuser.me/?nat=US&gender=male", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36", "", "", 5),"Local") if($not($contains(#post,"The remote ser
  11. Check my freelance project: http://network.ubotstudio.com/freelance/project/http-post-consulting/ We can discuss about budget.
  12. This is a very simple AddMeFast bot that will open Chrome, Login on addmefast and then it will start twitter follow. With this bot you can collect coins. ExBrowser Plugin [Required] on load("Bot Loaded") { load html("") } ui stat monitor("Points",#points) ui text box("AddMeFast Email",#addmefastUsername) ui text box("AddMeFast Password",#addmefastPassword) ui button("Load Settings") { add list to list(%settings,$list from file("{$special folder("Application Data")}\\addmefast.txt"),"Delete","Global") set(#addmefastUsername,$list item(%settings,0),"Global") set(#addmefastPasswo
  13. I am trying the following commands and xpath parser is not working. Xpath exists return turn and the html is: <input value="2566185015834482276" type="hidden" name="_dynSessConf"> set(#post,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "https://www.finishline.com/store/my_account/signin.jsp", $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http useragent string", "Chrome 32.0 Win7 64-bit"), "http://www.google.com", "", ""),"Global") alert($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$xpath exists", #post, "//input[@name=\'_dynSessConf\']")) alert($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$xpath parser", #post, "//
  14. Another problem that i have spot with UBot Installer is that it include everything in the setup. For example i use Awesomium and the installer add CEF libraries too (+40MB)
  15. Yes but this is the reason that i bought Developer version. I need an answer from UBot.
  16. Hello, i have compiled a bot that i have created and sent it to a friend. Two problems appear 1) When he run it for first time bot took 10 minutes to start. And the only sign of downloading support files was from Task manager. So if you want to download support files add an option to show Please Wait message. 2) After running the bot he send me a message and he told me that i am using UBot. I asked him how he spot it and he sent me the following screenshot. If you compile with CEF browser you can see UbotCefSharp process. To test it i had uninstall my ubot completely and install it agai
  17. I am sharing my code that works with Chrome. Feel free to use it. on load("Bot Loaded") { load html("") } ui stat monitor("Points",#points) ui text box("AddMeFast Email",#addmefastUsername) ui text box("AddMeFast Password",#addmefastPassword) ui button("Load Settings") { add list to list(%settings,$list from file("{$special folder("Application Data")}\\addmefast.txt"),"Delete","Global") set(#addmefastUsername,$list item(%settings,0),"Global") set(#addmefastPassword,$list item(%settings,1),"Global") set(#twitterUsername,$list item(%settings,2),"Global") set(#twitterPa
  18. I have created a bot that goes to addmefast and automate twitter followers by pressing the Follow button and follow someone on twitter. Everything works fine with Chrome browser but when i use phantomjs the message that use ajax call on the main page doesn' t appear.
  19. Communication plugin isn' t for sale anymore. So you should find a new way...
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