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Eddie Waller

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Everything posted by Eddie Waller

  1. It's possible if you're using proxy credentials with a private proxy and the captcha is loaded from an https site that it might not load, since there is an issue with https sites and private proxies with user/pass credentials. Other than that I can't think of anything related to UBot that could cause problems.
  2. AutoSave directory: This is used to store copies of your bot that we automatically save when you are working in UBot Studio. Browser directory: This directory contains all the files necessary to run the UBotBrowser separated by version. This includes the dlls for the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime. All the files here are the files downloaded when UBot tells you it is "Downloading necessary support files". These files are exactly the same in UBot Studio and compiled bots. They are also exactly the same across operating systems. Log files: You should see a few log files, which you can delete a
  3. You can use type text with {ENTER} to hit enter on a field.
  4. Can you post the page where you need to hit enter on?
  5. Thank you for bringing this up. I'll try to see if we can get the flash dll included with ubot in the future. I think there are a few licensing restrictions with it so we'll have to look into those first.
  6. Could you post a complete example? I'm not totally sure on what you are trying to accomplish. If #date is something like Thursday, July 22nd, you'll have to add quotes around it for javascript to be able to treat it as a string. So it would be something like hex_md5(\"test\"+\"{#Date}\")
  7. It looks like there might be an issue with $page scrape that I can look into. You can use $scrape attribute though, to scrape the outerhtml of the <div class="body-middle"> Here's the code I used that seems to work fine for me: set(#content, $scrape attribute(<class="body-middle">, "outerhtml"), "Global")
  8. Also, you can use the built in $substring function, you don't need to use eval for this.
  9. Here's a more visual way to get to the same result. We'll definitely have more videos in the future to help explain these concepts. You should be able to drop it between the quotes but it looks like there's a bug now that doesn't let you do that. http://screencast.com/t/Hq3xQECZ
  10. If you want to type in the variable name inside quotes you'll have to use { and } around it such as <value="Click {#this variable}"> If you just want the attribute to equal a variable, you can use: <value=#variable> If you just type in the variable name inside the quotes it tries to match the actual variable name. Here's an example that works for me on Google: http://screencast.com/t/ccTha4TQh set(#var, "I\'m Feeling Lucky", "Global") click(<value=#var>, "Left Click", "No")
  11. We get the important information from all crash reports sent to us, so you don't need to post it here as well. If you are having issues with a certain bot though, feel free to explain what you're doing and what part of it specifically is not working.
  12. This seems to work fine for me: set(#Variable, "cat in the hat", "Global") set(#Result, $eval("\'test{#Variable}\'.replace(\'t\',\'e\');"), "Global") Keep in mind that javascript replace only replaces the first match when used like that, so i get: http://screencast.com/t/MpafnKg4 Hope that helps.
  13. Could you elaborate on what you are trying to do? Are you talking about in the ui html panel? If you show how you would do it in v3 I can explain better if and how it is possible to do what you want .
  14. If you don't have access to UBot 3.5 you can send a message to support.ubotstudio.com and they'll give you a download link to UBot 3.5
  15. Sure, here's an example ui html panel("<input type=\"text\" value=\"my text\" variable=\"#var1\">", 45) When you load that bot the variable #var1 should be set to "my text".
  16. It means when you have a ui html panel that has a text box or select box pre filled with a value, we load that into a variable immediately, instead of only loading it into a variable if something changes in the ui html panel.
  17. It is gone at the moment due to the fact that the browser shouldn't open any dialogs.
  18. You'll need to find a better way of scraping the proxies. When I load the page I get: <td><script type="text/javascript">document.write(":"+m+s+y+x)</script>:3128</td> This doesn't match your document.write part, which is why nothing is found. You could try replacing what's in document.write with *. Please try to keep problems like this out of the bug reports topic, as this topic is for bugs with UBot Studio. Thanks
  19. It's possible you saved it while you were editing which can cause parameters to be missing in the saved file. It looks like there's an issue on line 29 where you have type text(<name="captchaAnswer">, , "Standard") Nothing is filled in for the text for captchaAnswer, adding in "answer" after the first comma will get you back into code view. define Create Yahoo { reset account("Any") clear cookies navigate("http://www.yahoo.com/", "Wait") click(<innertext="Sign Up">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "") type text(<first name fie
  20. Any type of popups from the browser are currently disabled, such as browser popups, javascript alerts, javascript confirms, and javascript prompts.
  21. Two things to note: 1. alerts are disabled by default right now to prevent them from stopping a bot. 2. your $comparison looks like its missing the 2nd parameter which should be "=" Here's a screenshot of how it should look: http://screencast.com/t/RebGiVnfRda if($comparison(#outputFolder, "=", "")) { then { } else { } }
  22. It looks like from your code it's trying to open a popup window which is blocked by UBot. If you want to send me the bot I can take a look at it and see what you can do.
  23. It looks like you are choosing a random state from the dropdown, instead of picking a state based on what is in $account data("State"). $account data("State") will match with $account data("Zip Code"). It won't match based on a dropdown that you filled randomly.
  24. They should always match up, if they're not matching for you can you give an example? As long as you're not resetting the account data in between requesting state, zip, county, etc, they should all correspond with each other.
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