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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. It's been asked before. The answer is yes. Anyone with an update subscription gets 5.
  2. Nothing more to say about videos but if you (or whoever does the updates) could update the Wiki I'd really appreciate that. I use the Wiki a lot as I like to use the Code Editor. The short examples there are really, really helpful.
  3. I'm just starting as well. I often use the Wiki http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Main_Page The command and function explanations there often contain a short example. I've seen great examples on this board as well. This board came up when I Googled Ubot loop through table and similar.
  4. That's the truth. Nothing teaches better than rough experience .
  5. I spent half a day hunting for a bug in some code I wrote. My expected test data wasn't posted to 2 lists. I set it up to pull from 2 test CSVs and write to the lists. When I'd set up the 2nd test CSV I'd copied much of the data from the first. I couldn't see anything whatsoever wrong with my program logic...after pause-debugs and loads of alerts I could see my data elsewhere but not in the test lists. I was 9/10 of the way to sending a bug report to Ubot support when I suddenly realized it was the "Delete" default setting on the add item to list. Why is that set to delete by default? I ca
  6. Fantastic. Thank you. Tested and works sweetly. Never would have figured out that $new line bit.
  7. Is there a way to get data into a list from a UI element? I need to create a number of sites in a network passing just the site names. It would be sweet if I could just enter the data into a field and not have to prepare a CSV or file. Thanks.
  8. Not what you asked for but you might want to see this thread: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14912-exceptional-ubot-training/ I'm coding Ubot with good confidence now after 5 days of doing what I wrote there. (I've programmed before).
  9. Interesting. In my code I assume that if the element doesn't exist the website has changed in some way and I need to examine it manually. So after the wait for element (with just a 5 second time out) I have an IF which stops the script with an error if the element does not exist. I guess it depends on the site though... If it's a site I own and control then I might do it a bit like your way. I imagine you have a set number of iterations?
  10. I might have been stumped for hours if not for this thread. I just dragged my variable to the $exists parameter window got 'invalid parameter'. Couldn't work it out. It accepted: $exists(<innertext=#my variable>) Tested and it works fine.
  11. If you look in the Buy Sell forum, seems there's a nifty plugin there that's great for this.
  12. So damn glad I asked this question. I coded up my first script...I tested it in individual pieces which worked perfectly. I'm the boss I thought. I'm gonna rule the internet. But when I ran the nodes together the whole process (which formerly worked in pieces) broke repeatedly and I couldn't understand why. I used 'wait for browser event' still in a few places, and it was still breaking at different points for no clear reason. I didn't expect the type of waiting to be such a script breaking issue. Wait for element is what finally made the statements work as I expected. Waiting is a big
  13. How do you wait in your code? I tried "Wait for browser event" in my script and noticed that at times it wasn't enough. Certain commands didn't work until I put an additional "wait 3 seconds" before them. How do you approach your wait steps? What's the best way? Do you use: Wait for browser event Wait for element Wait Or a combination?
  14. Oh! What I actually meant was run them one after the other in sequence as though they were together in one tab. I guess didn't make that clear. That sounds pretty neat - the thread thing. I'm now thinking that my best approach is to use Defines...
  15. A script wasn't working so I separated it into 3 tabs. The reason it's not working is something to do with time delays between steps. I tested the individual tabs with some wait() commands inserted and it works. I'm reluctant to copy/paste the whole thing together because it might not work when all together. (Previously the individual steps worked when I tested with Run Node but did not when in the whole script). So is there a way to have all tabs run at once?
  16. You'd have 3 tables, lets call them: Level1, Level2, Level3. Level1 table would have 100 rows, 1 for each kw. Strictly following your example above Level2 table would have 100 x 4 rows. And Level3 table would have 100 x 4 x 2 rows.
  17. Look at this post I just found. http://ubotstudio.com/blog/2011/11/19/871/ It explains that there's a Selector Language within Ubot. Wow, well I don't think this info is posted anywhere else. I wouldn't have found it if I hadn't googled it. I searched for more info on selection because I didn't find enough in the Wiki. I couldn't understand the examples in the forum from what I'd learned. Which reminds me - about the Wiki: I think it's excellent. If you're new I'd really recommend you go through the Wiki. I'd suggest first going through the first 5 videos from the link I posted abov
  18. My name is Luke and I'm an online marketer. I've been into various things: website building, SEO services and a little app creation. My use of Ubot will be to automate workflows...mostly form filling from CSV files.
  19. I'm going through the Ubot course here and it is absolutely superb. In the past I've gone through a few computer language courses and I believe this one is the very best. These videos are by someone called Frank Thomas. Here's a key thing: ***He went into the debugger and alert command in the very first lesson and also emphasizes their use.*** In the very first lesson! How many courses do that? That's so helpful. It means I could stop the videos right there and have a good chance of grasping 80% of the rest of the language on my own. Debugging's usually in the last module of com
  20. I'm pretty familiar with SQL but lately have been using Zoho Creator which uses it's own method of database interaction. It's a great simple alternative to SQL. In particular it makes updating tables far easier than the UPDATE WHERE method of SQL. There you'd just define the table and update like this: g = table [column = criteria]; while i in g loop { i.column1 = new value; i.column2 = new value; } Hmm, well maybe that isn't easier to code, but I do find it easier to understand than SQL UPDATE statements .
  21. Umm, that would send a ping from your PC. He wants to send a ping from pingomatic, or some other blog update service.
  22. That video's really helpful! Thanks! It explains that Lists are basically the looping container in Ubot. So if you can get filepaths into Text file > Ubot list (even if you have to prepare the text file by hand before running because you don't own Pro) you're good to go. Ubot can then open each file via the Navigate command from the path in the List variable. So basically a text file is like a big variable, that can become a list. Thanks.
  23. Hi guys, I've been going through the tutorials and am more than half way through. I'm starting to get a fuzzy idea of what my scripts will look like. However, one thing that isn't very clear to me is how Ubot can receive input from a Windows file. These are my assumptions so far. Can you tell me if I'm right or wrong? Everything I'm asking here relates to input only. 1) Ubot can only interact with text files. 2) File names have to be hardcoded. Ubot can't interact with a file if it does not know its name in advance. So it cannot do: Loop through Directory; For Each File in Directory -
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