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Everything posted by iamddr

  1. Ask if your client is living in China, China banned ubot server's IP.
  2. I can see both email and social icons in latest version ubot , you should login in ubot browser first.
  3. I tried http proxies, worked fine, but dont worked on any socks proxy. Is there any particularly setting I missed, or Change Proxy Command don't support socks proxies?
  4. Very big help! Thank you, sunny9495, I will send email asap
  5. Have been waiting for 36+ hours after purchased, support ticket sent but dont have respond, cant contact Aymen via forum PM, any suggestion except refund?
  6. Hi, Dan I have one question, I want to launch portable firefox with an existed profile, at least launch portable firefox with it's own default profile. I tried "load browser profile" with an existed non-portable firefox's profile or portable firefox's default profile path and dont work. any advise is welcome.
  7. I found this code, I works. but the code must run before the html loaded complete or run as extension of browser. ubot/exbrowser cant inject js before load web page loaded..... anybody can make this works on system/os level or process level or change "Object Property" before launch browser? <html> <head> <script> window.alert("Window resolution before overwrite is " + window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height); Object.defineProperty(window.screen, "width", { get: function(){return 2017; }}); Object.defineProperty(window.screen, "height",
  8. Some websites use screen resolution(Js get Screen.width/height) to identity bots(all sessions use same screen resolution). Unfortunately, ubot/exbrowser can't modificate screen resolution(Screen.width&Screen.height). Anyone know how to modificate screen resolution(fake screen resolution) to prevent website use JS (Screen.width&Screen.height) identity bots.
  9. Thank Nick, The video answered lots of my question. Good job.
  10. Thank you deliter, Just check out your post and the code worked fine. I think problem of my code is escaping issue, could you help me edit my code? I kinda of green hand at js thing.
  11. ui html panel("<script language=\"JavaScript\">var a =\'abc\';</script> <input class=\"button Button0 Button0input\" type=\"button\" value=\"Button\" id=\"Button0\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Button0\'+\'(\'+a.length+\')\')\" /> ",300) define Button0(#any) { alert(#any) } I tried this code and works, but when I called var a instead of a.length got error, I found when command parameter is number it worked, strings got error, any idea?
  12. As I know pop3 use tcp port 110, and most http proxy dont allowed this, so ubot's Email Commands won't through http proxy, how about socket5 proxy?
  13. Just registered success with free proxy. Proxy checker is pretty fast and register sucess rate is good, keep going buddy Im expecting for the new feature.
  14. That's definate a good news for us, looking forward your new works and dont forget add me to your list please
  15. just have finished reading the whole tutorial,very impressive with your memory saving theory. I had always thought I know ubot a lot, as a matter of fact, I never knew how to make commands and functions whole as a bot. Please keep my donation, with help of this tutorial I believed I will make my first bot and make 100000 times of $9.99
  16. Thanks, Nick Intermediate Part 1 download link is actually Intermediate Part 2, please fix.
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