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Everything posted by mojpoj

  1. Thanks for the plugin, it's awesome, almost does what I need. Trying to get the time in nanoseconds to create a nonce. The API I'm connecting to, requires nonce's that are sequential. My bot will be running several queries a second, so using the UNIX option isn't good enough for my application. If you plan on updating this plugin, perhaps a way to get UNIX time returned in nanoseconds would be a request you could consider. The Ubot Date variable doesn't offer nanoseconds, so not sure how you could pull that in from the system time (which does provide nanoseconds). Thanks again, I'm s
  2. I was looking at this the other day. Couldn't find anything useful on working with JSON in Ubot, so I turned to MySQL. Chances are if you are trying to work with JSON, you can do it with MySQL. Of course there are reasons why you wouldn't be able to. Some JSON features in Ubot would be great, but there are probably other bigger issues that are being resolved first. My original idea, and this may help you as you have a dev license. Request the JSON through a hidden browser, scrape the data and then do what you wish with it.
  3. Ran ubotbuddy's code snippet with same results, seems like bug to me. Easily reproduced with this code from page 1. http://www.screencast.com/t/o0mWgOtm navigate("http://ubotsandbox.com/ubot-simple-list.php", "Wait") set(#mydropdown, $scrape attribute(<id="links2scrape">, "innertext"), "Global") set(#mydropdown, "<option>{$replace(#mydropdown, " ", "</option> <option>")}</option>", "Global") ui html panel("<select variable=\"#VariableOfSelection\" fillwith=\"value\" style=\"width: 220px;\"> <optgroup variable=\"#mydropdown\" fillwith=\"innerhtml\"
  4. Screen cast: http://www.screencast.com/t/1c0Cflbe3L
  5. I'm having same issues. Loading the <options> from a list how botbuddy described, setting text from list. But I as soon as I select something from the drop down, it goes back to the first item in the list??? I've tried everything, including rebooting my PC. Happens in Ubot and the compiled bot. Debugger is showing the selected item remains the active variable, but as soon as I click another item in the UI panel, variable goes back to first item value. Super frustrating.
  6. I can think of a few ways to use this. I am pretty familiar with SQL and if you can just make a run query command where it uses the login paramaters (Server, DB, User, Pass) and then execute a raw sql command (i.e. INSERT INTO table...) this could be VERY useful. Of course, simple add/edit/delete/search would be nice as quick commands. I think a run sql command makes the most sense as it gives unlimited access to the DB. Here is one example, and this is completely made up, but one I can see doing. It incorporates another feature I requested that allows the user to run a sub prior to pus
  7. Ok, so playing around (off and on) all day today. I've come to the conclusion that there is no real way for a user to interact with UI, other than presetting global variables that are either a selection or a boolean value. To really get going and make something powerful with ubot, I would say it would almost be a requirement to be able to run subs from the HTML UI panel. As previously mentioned, the biggest use I could see for this, is that it would allow for loading an account list. I'm sure there are a thousand other uses, but that is the one I am particularly searching for right now.
  8. John, nice tut. That still depends on clicking the play button. What I was wanting, was a way to pre-load info from a file, as soon as the program loads. There doesn't seem to be a function or sub for this at present. I think I'm going to shoot for the run sub command and execute it from the UI HTML panel with a button click. So there will be a html button "load profiles" or similar, and that can run a sub that loads up the listbox. You're tut definitely gave me some ideas on how to do some stuff. If I get an elegant solution, I'll share here. Thanks
  9. Checking the ubot file you posted... The code in the page that is loaded is this... <body> <form method="post"> <select variable="#category" fillwith="value" name="Select1" style="width: 272px"> <option value="1">Cars</option> <option value="2">Boats</option> <option value="3">Motorcycles</option> <option value="4">Bicycles</option> <option value="5">Skateboards</option> </select></form> </body> I understand everything about how this works. However, I would like to be able to read
  10. Thanks, I will take a look at that! I also found the ui window late last night, which adds a settings tab. That looks like an awesome feature and definitely something I can use. Can't find any documentation on UI window, is there a video I'm missing for this one? Searching for UI anything is impossible on here, can't search for words less than 3 characters. From what I can tell, when you click settings and then the window you've added, it actually runs the code in the sub. But is it for only adding UI Elements (checkboxes, text boxes, etc)? Needs more playing with. Thanks again!
  11. Does anyone know if it is possible to preload data from a .txt or .csv file into the HTML UI panel? I have been trying to get it to work with JS, no luck at all. Maybe there is a trick that someone knows of? Basically, I would like to load a list of accounts, for example, into a dropdown. The user can then select the account, then click on run, and the bot will do a look up on that user account information. So the csv might look like.... Account 1, John, KS4sjI2, male, ..... Just Account 1 would show up and then when ran, the other variables could be populated with the correspo
  12. This thread is several months old and I'm looking at your site. Not sure, but does this work with the latest ubot version? (3.5.141) Thanks
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